while i appreciate the accuracy of your comment, i think there are other groups more deserving of defense.

like daleks.

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85 days, and only 50 "repeal Obamacare" votes? Bunch of slackers.

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It's a little off to just count days-in-session as the only work days. Like saying Jon Stewart only works 22 minutes a day, four days a week, 40 weeks a year. Of course, he's worth it.

Congress needs a douchebag jar. Each member has to put in penny every time they act like a douchebag. We can use the money to pay off the national debt and hire Van Halen for the Fourth of July.

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Um. After some reflection, I vote no.

Yes, they do constituent service, occasionally even for constituents without large checks in hand, but "they" do most of this through their staffs, which are paid for (by us) separately from their salaries. If they scheduled a week each month for home-district time (and then actually showed up at their home district office), I'd be delighted to support that. But they take August off because August is fairly miserable in DC, and it's vaca time anyhow, amirite? They take the last half of December off because it's the holidays, dontcha know? You think they do a lot of constituent services then?

It's an election year, so they're taking another month off to campaign. Having to stand for election isn't their fault, of course, but they are all bloody incumbents, which means they have about a 95% chance of being reelected no matter what. There is no good reason for the entire damned legislature to knock off for a month. No individual Congrasshole is ever required to actually show up for work (see, e.g., 1L) -- if one of them <i>really</i> needs to go campaign, there isn't anything stopping it.

I spent my work life as a corporate middle-management drone. In the latter part of my career, I made a bit more per year than these yoyos -- albeit with a far inferior expense account -- but that involved working 60 or so hours a week, every fucking week. And, I didn't have any patrons waiting to give me a cush non-job when I stopped working. Admittedly, that reflects bad planning on my part, but still.

I have little sympathy for the Congressional work schedule.

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Shit, Boner will just bring your check to you on the floor of the House.

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I read that as "abscess". Made sense to me.

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There's no such thing as free <strike>lunch</strike> <strike>drinks</strike> rent boys.

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We need Griftzilla -- those jobs aren't going to quit themselves, you know.

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I keep hearing that . . . but why the fuck do I have to get stuck with what the moron teabaggers deserve?

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They're like high schoolers - they'll put it all off until the last day, then go into a frenzied "we must do this NOW" at the last minute before they scarper off for the holidays.

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...at Wal-Mart, if you miss 3 consecutive days of work you can be terminated for job abandonment! <strong>JUST SAYIN</strong>

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And yet most of them will be reelected.

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K Street keeps them well supplied, unfortunately.

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...ironically, that is why I shop at Target

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As in "boys that pay the rent"?

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Homosexual dollars are worth twice as much?

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