No, 45 rounds per minute is correct. The AR-15 is not a fully automatic weapon. Competitive shooters can probably average much more, but the typical school shooter--a disturbed young man with actually not a ton of firearms experience--won't.
I don't mind people hunting for food, but trophy hunting needs to end. Rich assholes paying to go kill an intelligent wild predator to display in their mansion is sadistic, twisted and sick, and I cheer every time the bear or lion ends them painfully instead.
i talked two people into buying one while _in_ the craft store once! ha. i actually saw them at the checkout with the machines. i'll give you the same tip i gave them: unless it comes with your purchase, IMO, you don't need to shell out for their weeding/picking set. i used a pick and hook set from a hardware store -- 1/3 the price - til i found something even better at dollar tree.
Oh yes, lots of great qualities - most of all putting up with me 😉
I'm having some positive effect - we went on a week long trip where I was able to get almost all local places -he just doesn't care about what he eats that much
"The bottom line: Sinema isn't terribly pleased with how Schumer has foisted this package upon her. She reserves the right to modify it." So it's not really about her constituents is it?
Should be a ban on selling or acquiring new ARs. No way you're going to take them from those who already have them. And so is this law yet? If not the rethugs can still kill it.
The Second Amendment shouldn’t be treated like a suicide pact with psychopaths, no matter what the pro-massacre activists of the GOP say.
Also: Anybody who thinks incidents like the Uvalde Massacre are covered by the word “well-regulated” really has no business speaking for the Founding Fathers on any issue.
Banning certain types of guns is not the answer. Instead, we need to ban certain people from owning any guns This can be accomplished through registration and licensing of ALL firearms which in NO way violates the letter or the intent of the 2A
No, 45 rounds per minute is correct. The AR-15 is not a fully automatic weapon. Competitive shooters can probably average much more, but the typical school shooter--a disturbed young man with actually not a ton of firearms experience--won't.
(Ian Miles Cheong sucks shit, but he's correct here and you can find this same figure from a dozen other sources)
I don't mind people hunting for food, but trophy hunting needs to end. Rich assholes paying to go kill an intelligent wild predator to display in their mansion is sadistic, twisted and sick, and I cheer every time the bear or lion ends them painfully instead.
i talked two people into buying one while _in_ the craft store once! ha. i actually saw them at the checkout with the machines. i'll give you the same tip i gave them: unless it comes with your purchase, IMO, you don't need to shell out for their weeding/picking set. i used a pick and hook set from a hardware store -- 1/3 the price - til i found something even better at dollar tree.
IMO Prime Minister Jacinda Arden’s assault weapons ban in NZ was clear, concise and enforceable. It might be a good place to start.
Oh yes, lots of great qualities - most of all putting up with me 😉
I'm having some positive effect - we went on a week long trip where I was able to get almost all local places -he just doesn't care about what he eats that much
How many are against it because it's extremely effective, I wonder?
So they bring two guns.
"The bottom line: Sinema isn't terribly pleased with how Schumer has foisted this package upon her. She reserves the right to modify it." So it's not really about her constituents is it?
Should be a ban on selling or acquiring new ARs. No way you're going to take them from those who already have them. And so is this law yet? If not the rethugs can still kill it.
That phrase is all too accurate. "I don't like HRC or Trump, so I'm not voting". Fkn moronic.
Hell, an abortion activist got asked if she supported infanticide. Dems need to talk like that.
Like the Capitol cops who "welcomed" the rioters. Hugging and kissing them.
Like the Japanese do?
The Second Amendment shouldn’t be treated like a suicide pact with psychopaths, no matter what the pro-massacre activists of the GOP say.
Also: Anybody who thinks incidents like the Uvalde Massacre are covered by the word “well-regulated” really has no business speaking for the Founding Fathers on any issue.
FANTASTIC article. Thank you.
Banning certain types of guns is not the answer. Instead, we need to ban certain people from owning any guns This can be accomplished through registration and licensing of ALL firearms which in NO way violates the letter or the intent of the 2A