Don't forget, never forget, we did elect a blackish, mooslim, libtard, dicktater, socialistic, death panel chooser, and we did THAT twice. It's not all bad.

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I dont care if a person would or wouldnt vote for Sec Clinton, that is really up to them, but if you arent voting for Sec Clinton, then you arent a Democrat and you are either a right winger or an idiot who doesnt understand the stakes. I dont like either Sanders or Clinton, but will vote for whomever wins the nomination because the USSC appointments are far too important to leave to the goddamn Republicans.

That is a HUGE difference between 'BernieBros' and Clinton supporters, I have seen tons of 'BB's use that word, but never Clinton supporters calling Bernie a 'Socialist Kike', only the shittiest of right wingers.

I live in Vermont and it is a shame that more Bernie supporters dont know more about him and find it laughable that they view him as some paragon of honesty and incorruptible morals. He is a professional politician and is a lying sell out like everyone else is pretty much, but he just does it for pennies on the dollar because Vermont is such a piss poor state.

Have a great day!

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Trump has got the real conservatives in a real panic. Their problem seems to be that, whenever they try to rebuke him, they subconsciously lapse into the same hate speech and fear mongering that has made him a star. Like, If only we had got rid of all the Mexicans and Muslims, this wouldn't be happening. It would be funny if it wasn't so creepy.

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Also needz moar adopted children listening in, and more umlauts.

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Oh, sweet Jesus on a Jet Ski, I'd forgotten all about that. Lulz, can you imagine what a thankless task it would be to try to get Palin not to act like the grifting hillbilly she is? I have a small amount of sympathy for Nicole Wallace all of a sudden.

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Pollsters = astrologersPundits = augurs

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I can't speak for others, but I know I would. I think people supporting Clinton are older, and know what's going to happen if a Republican gets elected. We'll dutifully go to the polls and vote for whoever the Democrat is, but I'm not sure what all the youths will do if Bernie doesn't get the nod. I hope which ever one loses gets to be the other one's VP.

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I think the Donald is WAY more liberal than any of the other assholes, too. For example, I'm SURE he doesn't give a rat's ass about the gheys or about abortion. Ted Cruz probably doesn't care either, but he'd spend a lot of time pretending he gave a shit, and would probably REALLY defund Planned Parenthood. .

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And up next you'll see a woman as our supreme leader.

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It's ALIVE!!!!!!! Wait .. whose fucking brain did you give me to put in him?!?!?

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It'll happen. I just know it. Don't know how I know it but I do.

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That feeling is mutual!

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Probably just repeats the lines someone else wrote, like the rest of them.

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Trump vs Hillary = Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. :-(

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They are both faithful slaves of the military-industrial complex, not at all reluctant to start another war some place, rape, torture, murder another million "lesser breeds outside the law." The US death toll since 1950 must be approaching the Hitler-Stalin-Mao level.

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"you are either a ... or an ..." False dichotomy, the favorite logical error of Republicans and (I guess) angry Democrats.

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