Oh, FFS - give Bernie his vote and get on with not having an economic collapse, while also gathering more sound bites to use against Republicans in 2024 with the very workers they claim to represent.

In the car this morning I was listening to RW talk radio and they are already keyed up on "Biden lies about even riding trains and he wants a strike so that he can keep you from getting oil". Let's maybe not do that step in our national inanity.

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Isn't seven paid sick days pretty good? I don't think I've ever had that many anywhere I've worked.

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Fucking over railroad workers with political shenanigans to do the bidding of railroad owners. Again.

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Congressional Republicans are almost perfectly represented by The Crash at Crush

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It's an American Tradition!

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A key plank of Eugene V. Debs platform

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Ding ding ding!

If you're "too big to fail", and you're failing anyway, then the government's job is to guide you to a soft landing, followed by either an orderly dissolution, or government operation.

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Say, you know who ELSE made the trains run on time?

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I hate it when the monkeys fly out of Marco Rubios butt. They are all so small and nasty, fling shit over everything, and don't even speak Spanish.

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Always did like that guy.

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It *is* the norm -- for the GQP.It's also disgusting and quite possibly unconstitutional, but that's not what you asked.

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Oh, so NOW they suddenly care about precedent?

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"Once it is declared a president can't do a thing, he can't just do it and take it to court."

Yeah, like nepotism. Oh, wait.OK, like violating the Emoluments Clause. Oh, wait.Huh. It's almost like the law only applies to one party.

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I'm hoping it's a passing fad.

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JiT was invented mostly by Toyota for parts inventory streamlining. Parts that are pretty modular and standardized for their vehicles. It works well for that.

It can be an absolute disaster for food and other supply chains when local warehousing is gone, and spoilage can result in commercial food prep if even one or more of the ingredients is delayed.

It most certainly is falling. Horrifically. There is NO margin of safety, NO failsafes, one disruption can derail the entire chain from materials to completed goods to retail.

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