Maybe you could do a reverse James O'Keefe and have some liberal pretend to be a conservative and accost you (while a third liberal is videoing), so you can rant; then post it to the Interwebs and see if it goes viral.

(I am more than half serious, but all serious when I say, thank you for your service.)

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Can I get a side of onion rings and a large orange drink with that?

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He's being entirely too casual about this.

If people are going to spy on their neighbors and report them to the government for food stamp abuse, it should be done as part of an organized program. We could call it States Taking Action to Stop Inauthenticity (STASI).

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He doesn't mean disabled, poor white people, of course.

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Thanks Harry - I don't think I could pull off the rant for the camera. I might not even be able in a real encounter, probably would go straight to the "MYOFB" part.

And thanks also for the TYFYS. Doing both those things have made me a better person, in a one small candle, be the change you want to see, liberal squishy sort of way.

crud, got something in my eye...

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I don't think any words in the English language mean what he thinks they mean. And his grammar is crappy, also, too.

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Not if you steam them. It's the deep frying that creates the high caloric content.

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jmk - don't I know you from some less-snarky parts of the internet?

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Mapo doufu LIBELZ11!l

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FoodShare cards often have distinct designs that make them look nothing like credit/debit cards

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cue whoo whoo twilight zone sound. presented for your consideration: I'm not a believer in that kinda stuff, but every time I do something like this...suddenly talk about something from another time and place on my past trail that suddenly inexplicably pops out of my memory hole...it turns out to be a major anniversary of something like that or some other major connection.

I rolled into IV in summer of '74. They'd rebuilt the bank. There was a plaque on the sidewalk in front in memory of the kid that got killed by a cop bullet.Years later it had been turned into a disco. I remember vividly standing at the plaque one night and the 80s music blaring out the door at me, everyone partying and completely oblivious, and me feeling so conflicted. I think it was torn down since then.

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So...how close do you have to be to scope out the design of a card that someone is scanning through a reader? I shop at Raley's and Whole Foods, and am never close enough to others while they're paying - and personally, if someone were that close to me while I was fumbling in my wallet for a credit card I'd be giving them some serious stink-eye.

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Become the Pope?

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Depends on the state, really. Here in Wisconsin, our Foodshare cards have a very distinctive design. Distinctive enough for someone to notice from a few feet away. I have a couple of friends on foodshare. They've learned to kind of keep their card palmed to avoid the stink eye from other people in line.

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sigh.thank you ronald raygun for:demonizing the poorderegulationunion busting [even though you were the head of one: SAG]trickle down

rinserepeatthe right has never met something that fucked the poor/disadvantaged/middle class they didn't love and embrace [but not in a gay way of course...]

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Well, at least if they are eating tofu, you know they are suffering from using SNAP.

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