Nah, just have them do what everyone else does and take on second and third jobs during evenings and weekends in order to keep body and soul together.

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A suggestion, from my days in the "agricultural sector": this fuckwad should be put on "piece work" . Pay him based on what he produces. Or is "from each according to his abilities" too difficult a concept for him?

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<em>Giving our paycheck away when you still worked and earned it?</em>

Number of days in session for calendar year 2014: 133 (Including the extra day taken to make a mess of immigration again)

Yep, he's just slaving away like the rest of us.

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Maybe he would like a nice job in the private sector? The Ferguson PD is bound to be looking for a public-relations person soon, and he seems like the perfect fit. He's white, he's clueless, and the sufferings of others give him trouser wood.

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He has to buy his suits off-the-rack. OFF-THE-RACK! Can't you feel his pain?

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Tea Partiers like Terry should be paid the original, 1789 Congressional salary: $6 per day.

Other Congress-Units should be paid a multiple of minimum wage. They want a raise, everyone gets a raise. (They currently get 24,000 times minimum wage: 24,000 x $7.25 = $174K. But it should really be, say, 18,000.)

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If things get any worse, he may have send his kids to Guatemala or Honduras to save them from poverty (and Nebraska).

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Evidently a decent hair stylist is not within his meager means.

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That's barely $1500 a day, poor thing. I don't know how he manages to keep ramen and peanut butter on the table.

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