Did he say President Richard Nixon? He meant Bob Moose. It's an easy mistake to make.

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The problem with radical feminazi Marilyn Vos Savant's logic problem is not merely that it is female logic per se, though that is certainly part of the error. The original mistake was when we traded in strong, masculine Roman Numerals for effeminate muslin-y numbers. You just know that they act different depending on whether they are computed by masculine men like Arthur Laffer and Darryl Issa as opposed to wimmenz like Savant and Elizabeth Warren. It's just common sense, sheeple!111!,1,,!!,!1

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The only thing I'd be grateful to Giuliani for is if he were running with scissors, tripped and stabbed Darrell Issa in the nuts with them.

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Hold on, how do you know that 8 of those 19 kids won't grow up to be highly intelligent gay atheists? Being a st00pid bigot isn't hereditary and childhood programming can be rejected.

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I know Harlan. Policing there only gets exciting with drug busts so, yeah, they have time on their hands.

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Why isn't Darrell Issa in prison?

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Something seems to have been left out of blurb about the police in Harlan KY, because as it appears above it doesn't make any sense. But maybe it's a Kentucky thing. I am not familiar with the local folklore there.

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Ran. Now he has a stolen congressional committee thing going. The take is better and less chance of going to jail if caught.

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At the very least!

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ISIS,ISIL AND Issa? Jus sayin.

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What if you want a goat?

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Unless the president declares that he llllluuuuuuurrves America, OMG you should see how his eyes light up when America comes in the room, he loves America so much they should get married, we have a national security issue. We should thank Rep. Issa for pointing this out.

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This country is 18 Trillion dollars in debt and Issa spends his time wrestling with the question of how much the president does or does not love the country who elected him president. We are sunk as a nation.

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There is such a thing as Female Logic; There is also such a thing as Male Logic. The syllogism is -- Female said it, therefore Wrong.

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Response I would like to see from the President through his Press Secretary:"Rudy Giuliani and Darrell Issa can go to hell. We aren't going to be lectured on the meaning of patriotism by people who think patriotism means loyalty to the Republican party. They have become a destructive force in this country, tearing down everything they disagree with. I have news for them and for you: they aren't America."

After that, every Democrat asked to comment should say what a Republican would say in the same situation: "He was right. I'm not going to repudiate it or talk any further, I think what the press secretary said is all that needs to be said on this subject. Next question."

The knee-jerk reaction will be to talk about the "go to hell" or "aren't America" part and let whether those words were mean distract from the bigger message. Don't. Let the remarks above be the story for a whole week or month or year. It needs to be said, and being mean will get tons of attention. It always does for Republicans.

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