Worked at a clinic, can confirm.

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Maybe some women like a gross man climbing on top of then for two minutes of the worst sex ever???

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That is a powerful story. *hugs* if you want them.

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*waves* Hi, welcome!

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I sometimes will play with them - it's a bad trait of mine

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Is someone trying to be naughty again?

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*shudders* at the thought.

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That is simply horrible,, hopefully he eventually faced some sort of justice where he had to at least confront what he did

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Is that something you did?

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How one could be able to listen to their stories (and witness all the variety of stories found here in Wonkette's non-comment comment section) without coming to the conclusion that reproductive decisions are best made by the person with the reproductive organs is unconscionable, objectionable and wrong. They should just stay in their lane and focus on punishing all those self-abusive out-of-wedlock men who don't treat every sperm as sacred. Once they've solved that dilemma maybe possibly perhaps they'll have something to contribute but until that day comes and comes hard they can kindly shut the fuck up.

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Aw, thanks. Hugs back!

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Back in the day, one of my friends told me her story about her pre-Roe abortion. It went badly; she's lucky to be alive. When she awoke in hospital, FBI agents were at her bedside, demanding to know "Who did this to you?"

We must never go back.

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Happy to help. And I wasn't kidding, it has its own special place so that it doesn't get swozzled under a bunch of files

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Both my younger sister and I have cut all contact, the family at large knows and have distanced themselves and additional children from him so there’s been some consequence. But my youngest sister still lives with him and him facing criminal charges is vanishingly small. Nor will he ever admit what he did was wrong or hurtful because he’s got untreated NPD and our culture reinforces his belief that he should have an all access pass to any woman he desires.

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