If only we had another Lenin, or at least an <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bogdan_Belsky" target="_blank">especially tough chess match.</a>

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Don't forget that someone (probably at Dead Breitbart's House Of The Unending Derp) will snidely suggest this could be resolved if only President Obama would invite the leaders of both factions to the White House for a beer.

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So a Venezuelan, a Ukrainian, and a penis are having a debate.

The Venezuelan asks the bartender, "Which came first, the Bastille or the National Razor?"

The bartender says, "Bastille."

The Venezuelan turns to the penis and says, "See? Low Rider there told you to stand up strong before they get out the trimmer," and high-fives the Ukrainian.

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Oh, oh, I know! AOT,K.

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At least we have electricity 24/7! And running water* * may not apply to some rural areas

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The only thing stopping terrorists with guns is freedom fighters with bigger ass guns.

Also, too, that's how you tell which is which.

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<i>Meet the new boss...</i>

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Much to be said for <a href="http:\/\/www.news.com.au\/world\/venezuela-wins-the-miss-universe-title-for-the-third-time-in-six-years\/story-fndir2ev-1226756675883" target="_blank">Venezuela</a>

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I'm pretty sure the official US policy on this is "Fuck the EU"

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Maybe it's blogsite bias, but it seems pretty obvious that Venezuela and Ukraine need more dick jokes, the buttsecks snark, and talk of any kind of human excretion.

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This is what happens in places where God hasn't stepped in and written the constitution.

That being said, I truly do feel for the people of Venezuela and Ukraine. As crappy and corrupt and morally bankrupt as US politics can be, it still is far better than those alternatives.

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Can't we just mouth platitudes and then blame France when things get even worse?

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Did the Ukraine invade the Venezuela while I wasn't looking?

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I'm willing to send Ted Nugent if it comes to that.

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Democracy is a lot like sex after marriage . . At first you are all hot for it, then you sort of lose interest in voting for the same person, then you are too tired or distracted to vote at all, then you are attracted to non-voting dictatorial scenarios, then you become a Republican.

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You're shitting me!! --Ted Nugent

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