Putin is full of shit. Russia is full of followers, which I think is even worse.

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Tempting, but you know the political party in power could rewrite the intelligence test after each election to benefit themselves.

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That might be a fire hazard.

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Absurdist libel!

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That would be true in a non-capitalist market, in a capitalist market money can create money. Yes, that is as stupid as it sounds.

To be more accurate, property is what creates money in capitalism and money is a form of property. That is why there are companies that do nothing but buy stock low and sell it high at ridiculous speed, and they always make more money if the market is volatile regardless of if it goes up or down. They add nothing, they aren't even investing usuable money because they buy and sell in a split second.Lubach explains all sorts of stuff well:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Not entirely that, though shoving a big middle finger in "the libs'" faces, Kid Rock-style, is definitely a motivating factor.

Here's the thing. The crowd of pederasts and sycophants whispering in That Asshole's ear are not, fundamentally, believers in popular sovereignty. A lot of them are Dominionists, who believe the rapture can only come if they, and only they exercise total dominion over all of the earth. They must hold power, at all costs, even if it means thwarting popular will and democracy.

To these people, and That Asshole as well, he is, or owns, the United States, in its entirety. There is no separation between his own desires and the interests of the nation. In that light, they must, at all costs, hold on to power. That Asshole understands this and agrees with this view: partially because he's a malignant narcissist and a sociopath who needs to own and control everything he touches with total and absolute power, but also because he understands, on some dim level, that "his enemies" have conspired against him to file indictments and to own debts of his. If he loses presidential immunity, the bills come due and the indictments are unsealed, and he will die in jail (likely along with the rest of his rotten family), and Putin will probably also dump whatever kompromat he has on him (spoiler: it's way worse than pee hookers). And the GOP knows that if he goes down, their party goes down with him and they will be cast out into the wilderness for at least a generation. They see what happened to the California GOP, and they know it's coming for them, too. Holding that day of reckoning at bay is their only policy strategy right now.

They are, certainly, motivated by grievance and vindictiveness, and a desire to punish their enemies. But the GOP, right now, is in cornered-animal mode, and that is why they are far more dangerous to America than any mere party of white grievance. They will insist that Americans die by the thousands to save their own political fortunes, because to them no cost is too high, so long as others pay it and it keeps them in power for just one election cycle longer.

Pointing out to their supporters that they are lying, that they don't have the interests of the majority of Americans in mind, or that they are fundamentally acting against the interests of the nation will all fall on deaf ears. Their base, such as it is, doesn't care, and in fact wants to be lied to. To them, the spectacle of it all is how they defeat all their enemies, and they support it. Look at those screaming, raging lunatics from Ohio up there, or the ones in Michigan, and you begin to understand the rage that drives white America. They will burn their own houses down, and angrily insist that there is no fire and that it's actually a liberal plot, so long as it means that the party willing to nurse their resentments stays in power for just one election cycle longer.

America is fucked, y'all. Our only hope of saving the Republic is a blue landslide, and we're probably going to have to risk our lives to do it. Stay strong.

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There is a bit of a learning curve, but the frothed milk is worth it.

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Ask Javeyday they are phenomenal.

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big business, unis, everyone but the #GovernmentOfPutin folk cares about two related things: liability exposure + making money. They care most about these things and they don't want that exposure. we cannot manage a public health crisis involving an infectious disease until we have TESTS . . . tests. normally the GOP mofos are all over testing (NKLB BS), but LordDampnut/KingCorona fear the YUGE numbers of affected. his daddy would be proud of numnuts for killing so many citizens . . .

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I see that blonde on the right and I can't help but think that one of the zombies bit Dr. Jill. The horror.

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If you call him a douchebag it is obvious that you are not calling him a literal douchebag because those are no sentient, inanimate objects.No one objects to you calling him that.Calling him a name that is used to demean actual sentient people is not the same thing, which I can't believe you don't recognise. It would be possible for him to be literally mentally challenged, learning disabled or any of the other conditions that the word you used denotes.That is why people took offence.With a C.

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Rabid fuckin Howler Monkeys,

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Found out there were protests yesterday and another planned today outside the governor's residence in Minnesota. Looked like a pretty small group yesterday though they say they're expecting 600 today. Many weren't practicing social distancing or wore masks. They were all demanding Minnesota open up and that the restrictions be voluntary. Fucking idiots. Voluntary restrictions during a deadly pandemic.

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A few strategic coughs does the job nicely.

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They are all small groups, and they are funded by GOP pacs also.For legit real paid protesters. My brother was bragging about when it is PA's turn how he is going to get to get paid.

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The widespread testing he promised was gonna happen last month?Any day now.

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