Now, now, Wonket, why are you only quoting a short snippet? Let's read the full passage:

"Do you know what sexual assault means? Did you ever look at what counts? An unwanted kiss is considered sexual assault. I’m stunned it’s only 1 in 5. Four out of five women have not gotten an unwanted kiss? My wife gets unwanted kisses every so often.

Why, when I was in college I used to wait by the library and follow sorority girls walking back to the dorms after dark, and sometimes I'd just grab their boob and give it a little friendly squeeze, and sometimes I'd pull them into a corner and see if I could get my tongue into their mouth before they started squealing, and once in a while, me and a buddy or two would just kind of push a girl up against a wall and dry-hump her, you know, just for laughs. And you know what? Those girls usually didn't even yell. They knew it was all in fun!"


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Not terribly OT, check out the Jian Ghomeshi scandal developing up here. You may have heard his show Q on NPR. Not any longer you won't. <a href="http://www.theglobeandmail...." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/the-...">http://www.theglobeandmail....

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The posts here are from a bunch of leftwing nutcases who have never heard of Dennis Prager who don't what Prager's opinions are and are too illiterate to realize that this author's slanderous took Prager's quote completely out of context. All the personal attacks on Prager in this forum prove that the left has just as much hate as they accuse everyone else of having.

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The point is that an unwanted kiss is *not* sexual assault, and calling it so degrades the whole concept of sexual assault.

If I kiss my wife and she says "not now, honey; I'm not in the mood," no sexual assault has taken place.

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what a poorly written article. Very confusing to read

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“till death do us part”;Dennis Prager is in his third marriage. Yet he feels entitled to dictate whatconstitutes “"Life, Liberty and the pursuit ofHappiness" upon other citizens of the United States. What a hypocrite!

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How many rape and other hoaxes are we up to now since this article? Just a note to the despicable Kaili Joy Gray..EVERYONE is against rape, okay. There might be a difference in that conservatives want to see rapists stay in prison and not get early releases by liberal judges. Many of us wouldn't mind to see castration for rapists. So, you can call people 'nutjobs' because they rightfully point out the false hysteria that is happening at our left wing universities. 1-5 stat has been totally debunked. If these left wing dominated universities were such rape centers...no responsible parent would send their daughter to one. Reality always hits leftists in the face.

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I clicked to really see if there was some substance here. This is probably the most unintelligent, imature, un-subtantive thing I've read today. ~sigh~

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While looking for some real, journalistic and researched information debunking some of Prager's flippant blaming of all the worlds' woes on "the left," my time was diverted and wasted here .... caught in The Left's blabbery, PC, lame attempt to talk me out my ability to think. Note to all you hirsute, bitter feminists out there, an 'unwanted' kiss from your husband (or wife) is not rape ...stop trying to vaginalize (ie, emasculate) REAL men and women with your nonsense.

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facepalm what an idiot, proof any1 can post on the internet!

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The only fool is the one who can't even say REDSKINS!

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If that woman gets unwanted kisses, that proves sexual assault is about violence, and not sexual attractiveness

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"An unwanted kiss is considered sexual assault."

No wonder his wife doesn't want his kisses, he's constantly orally servicing all these strawmen.

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<em>My wife gets unwanted kisses every so often.</em>

I guess I should stop kissing her, then ....

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I'll bet he was a nice boy growing up.

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Looks like the 3rd wife is not working out so well either. 4th time a charm hey Dennis?

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