I think what this freak is saying is "we need a nice, charming guy to do all our same, horrible shit." Not sure if he's saying they need a nice christofascist guy INSTEAD of Trump, or a nice christofascist guy LIKE Trump, to be the new palatable Hitler. I'm sure the latter caz he knows otherwise Trump will sic the brown shirts on him.

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Makes me think of the old song ‘there aren’t no good guys, there aren’t no bad guys, there’s only you and me.”

That’s also what obedience to authority demonstrated.

Give someone enough power and money, and they will become a bad guy.

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I think that by now, "nationalism" is basically a simulacrum, an ideological construction that certain players or entities find useful for their own reasons. Capitalism is an international affair; the flow of capital is not restricted within the boundaries of individual nation states, so whenever you hear politicians whipping up a nationalist or nativist frenzy, they're probably up to no good.

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Probably? NEVER. It is always about distracting a discontented population with tribalism. Your life is going downhill? Blame those damn people across the border, they're up to no good, they're not like you and me, they want to take what we have away from us. This is no time to criticize our leaders, if you do you're siding with the enemy Line up, sign up and join up today!.

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Acshually Germany had deflation in 1929-32, which probably helped

the nazis get 1/3 of the votes in 1932. https://www.econlib.org/archives/2015/01/are_german_scho.html

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The idea that nationalism is always bad is absurd. It is through multiple nationalisms that empires are dismantled. Would you prefer that India and the American colonies remained part of the British Empire? Only nationalism changed that. I'm a Scottish nationalist. Do you think I should just accept British rule over my country? Or is independence too good for Scots? It's not nationalism that's the problem, it's patriotism, chauvinism and violence. None of which need be associated with nationalism.

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I don't see how replacing one nationalism with another is necessarily a good thing.

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Tell that to George Washington.

Scotland is an ancient nation owned and controlled by the ruling class of the British state. Nice, eh? We have right wing governments imposed on us by the massive electorate of a neighbouring nation. Scotland last voted Conservative in 1955.

But we are "governed" by rapacious warmongering hard-capitalists in London. Scotland's wealth flows south, all of it.

When you think of nationalism, think of nation-building. We don't salute flags or glorify our professional killers, but we want the governments we vote for. THAT'S nationalism.

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Trouble is that British nationalism led to producing the Empire.

Patriotism is one thing ... pushed to extremes, becomes nationalism, then imperialism.

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“My country, right or wrong,” is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, “My mother, drunk or sober.” ― G.K. Chesterton, The Defendant

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I think the term that people are forgetting is jingoism. In my mind there is a spectrum from patriotism (I wanna make my country best)-Nationalism (my country is best)-Jingoism (fuck all other countries). ofcoure violence will always be associated with the state as the state exists to use violence to enforce property rights and very very occasionally protect its citizens.

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What you describe sounds a lot like "tactical essentialism." I recall that Frantz Fanon wrote well about it in books like Les Damnés de la terre. In other words, he was talking about colonized African nations engaging in nationalist movements as a temporary strategy to counter the colonial powers.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 18

Jeepers, Star Trek already did a whole episode about this back in the 60s. (Using Hitler’s idea for governing without Hitler.) It didn’t work for the planet of Ekos and it won’t work now.

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I swear that ST:TOS did episodes on everything, even if in corny ways.

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Ta, Robyn. Dominionists make me vomit. AOT, K.

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Cults have always used transgressive behavior as a way to enforce loyalty. Trump does it by getting his crowds to cheer for violence and political prosecutions against the people he doesn't like. It's classic cult mentality.

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Yes. The total absence of critical thinking reigns supreme in Trump Cult. So far as I can tell, there is no crime so shameful or despicable that it would lessen their fanatical, idiotic love of their Leader. He is a transparently evil, cruel psychopath, and that only turns them on all the more.

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For cults, I would say religsions.

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There is substantial crossover.

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For well over 40 years I've said it...


The people who FOLLOWED Hitler were DANGEROUS.

The same could be said about trump and his cult.

He's a f***ing moron. The real DANGER comes from people who BELIEVE his lies...like the guy in Pennsylvania who cut off his dad's head because he was a democrat. Yes, the guy was clearly a complete whack-a-doo, but there are a lot of people who are mentally ill that would never do what he did.

That guy needs to be a full-blown wake-up call to all of America, because when that obese pile of dogshit loses again in November, we're not going to see another insurrection. Oh no, children. Pretty much all of the supporters with an IQ over 40, dumped him after they saw what he did on Jan. 6th. Many more have left after they were told, "YOU KNOW THAT INSURRECTION YOU SAW WITH YOUR OWN EYES? WELL THAT WASNT WHAT IT WAS. IT WAS A BUNCH OF GIRL SCOUTS FROM TROOP 388 ON A TOURIST VISIT."

Most people don't take kindly to being treated like they're so stupid they need step-by-step instructions to BREATHE! Now that they're gone, all he has remaining are the ones who would rather DIE than admit they were conned by a con.

I could walk for 6 blocks up and down Younge Street in Toronto and find 30 trumps and Hitlers, spewing bullshit, but most of the people here aren't so full of shit they need an Ex-lax every morning just to function.

They just smile and walk away.

They walk away because they know bullshit when they smell it.

They smile because they're Canadians.

Heed my warning kids...

the dude in Pennsylvania was just a warning shot.

The worst is yet to come.

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I don't know what to say to some of this, but if you can't spell Yonge Street I can't imagine you live in Toronto...

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Agreed, I think the Trump movement as a whole will not accomplish much because they're mostly lazy bullshitters, but some number of true believers are sure to commit individual acts of lunatic terrorism in the name of their lost cause.

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Makes sense to me.

Then again I’ve also always felt that Charles Manson was greatly misunderstood and the Vince Vaughn series of True Detective was definitely the best one.

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Yes, all "Family" and no "Manson"!

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Oh yes, waiting for the second coming of the "good" Hitler...

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Another Alpha Male Poster Boy, ladies and gentlemen.

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Our system of government was designed to prevent three things - rule by a single madman, rule by mobs, and violence by and among religious fanatics. With the GOP we can have all three.

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'Patterns of Force', motherf-er. Thst's what would happen.

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Dude reminds me of the junk-pummeling dude.

They never learn about the Hitler thing, do they?

(You just don't go there, full-stop cotton top).

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"I know this thing I believe in is bad, but I can't be bad because I'm a Christian. Jesus, help me rationalize it."

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"I'm a *good* person so this bad thing I'm doing can't be bad, because if it was bad a *good* person like me wouldn't do it. Or at least, wouldn't enjoy doing it".

The No True Scotsman fallacy on steroids.

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"Also, maybe the New York Times will feel sorry for me and advise all those liberals to just try reaching out to understand my beliefs."

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"I'm a heartfelt Nazi."

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Too bad that having a cookie from a kindly lady like in the Matrix, doesn't really cure that feeling.

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