I hear ya, and raise you every "minute", as the love of my life has a genetic condition that will 100% reduce her life span. Hasn't kicked in yet, though. But it will, and it won't be pretty.

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How old is "old"? I'm 65, but don't feel a day over 50.

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Is it true there are a lot of Czechs there? I have it in my blood and am curious.

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Hence my massive tinnitus.

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There are a percentage of Trump supporters that believe they can "own the libs" by not getting the vaccine. It's astonishing how stubborn Trumpbillies can be.

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Or manners.

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Posted for GOD:This don't trust the government shite really started with Sen. Joe McCarthy and his repeated (unproven) claims that the U.S. government was infested with communist agents and sympathizers. It really took off when president Raygun, started the whole government is the problem bullshite. How can anyone be surprised that a large portion of our backward thinking electorate finally and completely believes the lie. A lie spoken enough times becomes the truth (to many.)

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After four years of abuse by the big liar, it feels good to call a lie a lie. Not a misstatement, not a prevarications, not a false statement. A Lie.

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"Taking your temperature ..."

Truth! In the (my) old days, as ye olde barkeep college student, these muttering ghouls would float out things, get ignored, and try again until they found a fellow nutbar. Then they would be all hale-fellow-well-nut, but not for long. Soon enough, after spending time together, these fools would argue, and hate each other and part ways (get tossed out). The bottomline being they often could not stand sharing space with another malcontent for long. My boss would point at the new besties and tell us to keep an eye out: "Looks like we got ourselves two tomcats tied up in a burlap sack tonight." It meant to prepare for an impending brawl. It was always these idiots fighting each other over nothing, and getting banned from the bar.

Now with the internet, they find each other, and it's a safe safe to form a confederacy of dunces, all blowharding out their blowholes, with zero social consequences.

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Mostly Hispanics, of course. Lots of Asians. Of the Anglos, Germans are the most common but I'm sure there are plenty of Czechs here too. There are a lot of many different ethnic groups. This city has been multi-ethnic since its founding.

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I have done that: attended a conference in Orlando and then drove for a few days in Key West. Worth seeing before it is submerged.

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This really is a thin disguise for permission to kill the libs. Any heathen/liberal/not-one-of-us that gets Covid and expires, well that's just too bad. If God had wanted them to live he wouldn't have made them heathen/liberal/not-one-of us, but I'm not going to put on a mask and get vaccinated. God's will what happens, after all.

Stubborn isn't the half of it. We're looking at a full-scale reversion to the mores of the Civil War. Problem is there's no Reconstruction, and there needs to be.

All we have is a bunch of idiots in MAGA hats pretending that a phantom liberal force is out to take their guns, their freedom to discriminate and suppress anyone who doesn't look like them, and allow their women reproductive choice.

And they're partly right, except it isn't phantom. It's real and it's the only thing keeping them from getting murdered in their sleep.

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I honestly thought it was a series of tubes ... my bad!

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They want you to die of COVID

What a coincidence, the feeling is mutual, moreover, they are actually far more likely to die from COVID.

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willing blindness translates to so many area's of that society though - you can't trust someone with a degree because they are educated elite, you can't trust someone who works at a low wage job because they must be stupid (or a criminal), you can't trust a scientist/teacher/doctor - basically any time someone tries to say something that isn't part of an individual's sense of worth and importance they find a reason to not trust them.

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