Vagina-American Ashley Judd is rumored to be in the early stages of a establishing a campaign against Senate Minority leader and real life one-dimensional House of Cards stereotype Mitch McConnell.
All I&#039;m gonna say about Ashley Judd&#039;s movies was that <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=0xbBLJ1WGwQ" target="_blank">&quot;Heat&quot;</a> was the shit.
&quot;McConnell enlisted in the 100th Division (Training), U.S. Army Reserve, in Louisville, Kentucky, during his final semester of law school. He did six months active service at Fort Knox, thereafter serving the active reserve.[7] He received an early discharge for optic neuritis, which is a common manifestation of multiple sclerosis.[8] However, it is unknown if he has multiple sclerosis&quot;
I don&rsquo;t see Ms. Judd faking any illnesses.
I like her. Articulate, well spoken, easy on the eyes, an accomplished professional. Good luck finding that on Faux news or the House of Representatives.
they don&#039;t even mention that in the photo she&#039;s wearing Guinan&#039;s hat...
&#039;smoke&#039;, &#039;heat&#039;, &#039;de-lovely&#039;.
her only problem is getting hollywood old. seems to lead to bad choices.
so unlikely to win. so much fun to watch the contest.
<a href="" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">
poor Binky...
All I&#039;m gonna say about Ashley Judd&#039;s movies was that <a href="https:\/\/\/watch\?v=0xbBLJ1WGwQ" target="_blank">&quot;Heat&quot;</a> was the shit.
Did you see his sidekicks &quot;The Parsley&quot;, &quot;The Rosemary&quot; and &quot;The Thyme&quot;?
This is hard.
&quot;McConnell enlisted in the 100th Division (Training), U.S. Army Reserve, in Louisville, Kentucky, during his final semester of law school. He did six months active service at Fort Knox, thereafter serving the active reserve.[7] He received an early discharge for optic neuritis, which is a common manifestation of multiple sclerosis.[8] However, it is unknown if he has multiple sclerosis&quot;
I don&rsquo;t see Ms. Judd faking any illnesses.
Wesley sucked until the very end of the series, when he grew a pair and started thinking for himself.
&#039;House of Cards&#039;? Urquhart would have pushed McConnell off a roof in the first ten minutes.
I like her. Articulate, well spoken, easy on the eyes, an accomplished professional. Good luck finding that on Faux news or the House of Representatives.