Don't misunderestimate the GOPtards. Assad will their best buddy the moment he chooses to play his anti-ISIS card.

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They don't need the bomb ... they just drive up the real estate <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2014\/08\/24\/realestate\/moving-out-of-brooklyn-because-of-high-prices.html" target="_blank">until the residents are forced out. </a>

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Visit Central America, and drink the water.

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The word you want is "complex" .... because the imaginary stuff is very important.

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Perry's statement on ISIS terrorists potentially entering through Mexico attains near-Palinian levels of word-saladiciousness.

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so let me get this straight:

not bombing syria: wrong not bombing russia: wrong not bombing iran: wrong bombing libya: wrong bombing IS: wrong

republican math is complicated.

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I presume that would be the irony.

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Never mind that if such a thing happened, there would likely be innocent conservatives among the victims! The true victims would be the ones who warned us about Obama from day one, no?

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If it makes sense, they have explained it wrong. But that never happens, so you may have gotten your facts twisted.

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Slack-jawed, the lot of them.

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Restoring cuts to defense spending by cutting social programs, no doubt. Inhofe makes me especially stabby.

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Every bad thing that ever happens after the President leaves office will still be his fault, as well as the current Dem prez's.

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Except North Korea has nothing for US corporations to steal, er, I mean <i>liberate</i>. (If NK was sitting on an ocean of oil like Iraq, we'd currently have a Green Zone in Pyongyang.)

How 'bout invading Venezuela?! ***Has something to "liberate" (e.g. oil): check. ***Has leaders who don't like US swinging its big dick everywhere: check ***Has non-white skinned people: check

Winner! Winner! Winner!

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I tell you what people, these Messicans are more Arab Muslin now than they ever are. And it's a great achievement that Rick Perry has his big boy glasses on for, cause we're gonna need it. Obviously there are 8 year olds in ISILS to this very day. It only makes perfect sense. And when ISIS swims across the Texas border their not going too know what hit them - just the future governor of Mexico - all of them.

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Don't fall for the diversion- while we're distracted by the southern border, ISIS is amassing an army of Ebola monkeys in Saskatchewan, and building a giant laser on the moon.

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I have a new position on Republican batshittery. If panic about scary people invading the US leads the Gopwads in Congress to support useful military interventions like airstrikes on ISIS positions or providing emergency aid to the biggest ebola epidemic in history, as opposed to, oh, say, bombing Central America or herding small immigrant orphan children into hastily built but lucrative prisons, then ok, that's what it takes.

Ah who'm I kidding? The Gopwads will now call for a ground war in Syria to protect our dear friend Assad, and defund the Centers for Disease Control.

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