Hey, Felix Deon! He does some very tasteful-- and raunchy!-- queer art.

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"Hey!! Quit trying to ruin our patriotic mythology by contaminating it with actual history! If we'd wanted any of that, we might have bothered to stayed awake in history class!"

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But like I said, my grandparents didn't fight for that. It's a very American position that America won WWII, like the person who shows up late to the group project and puts their name on the top of the final paper.

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Rorschach from Watchmen is more or les that. Alan Moore was aghast that fanboys thought he was the good guy.

“I wanted to kind of make this like, 'Yeah, this is what Batman would be in the real world'. But I had forgotten that actually to a lot of comic fans, that smelling, not having a girlfriend—these are actually kind of heroic! So actually, sort of, Rorschach became the most popular character in Watchmen. I meant him to be a bad example. But I have people come up to me in the street saying, "I am Rorschach! That is my story!' And I'll be thinking: 'Yeah, great, can you just keep away from me, never come anywhere near me again as long as I live'?”

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Why do conservatives like Superman?

1) He is an illegal alien2) He has taken a job rightfully meant for an American citizen. 3) He works for lamestream media.

Conservatives should be building a rocket to "send him back where he came from"... although I'm not sure that a conservative rocket would make it very far as it would use a hypergolic fuel paring of anger and bile.

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Supes is a generous lover. Unlike some DC heroes I could mention, Bruce.

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By and large they didn't. He was written as a New Deal Democrat at around the same time as Batman, who was written as a Republican superhero.

There's a reason you see Batman v Superman more than Batman & Superman, Heroic Duo!

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Cue all the folks who liked the fact that US Agent is a brutal murderer as opposed to that wimpy Captain America in the recent Marvel TV show and didn't get that that part was -at- them.

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Well they don't want you to wake up like most people wake up - with a slow but steady rise to clarity and understanding.

They want the sort of waking up that most teenage girls experience in horror films: Endless sheer terror where basic motor skills are difficult to pull off.

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Well shit, I guess we won't have Eltaeb to kick around anymore! Good luck finding anyone else out there with the rare ability to be a professional colorist.

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He Poe's Law'd Batman.

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A song inspired by the first "death" of Supes, but it's pretty darn beautiful. Superman never made any money...


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DC doesn't have the right, eh? Oh, I think they do, you Comicsgate scumsucking shitbird.

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Right wing snowflakes whining about Superman's slogan. Boo hoo hoo, assholes.

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Did anyone else notice that “Eltaeb” spelled backwards is “Beatle?”

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Love Crash Test Dummies!!!!

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