Isn't the fear mongering and bigotry of the Republican party a 20th century phenomenon? Surely, it can be undone?

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Gay gas chambers? Would not surprise me.

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Sounds more like a Krauthammer quote from "the good ol' days."

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Is "athwart" like a "wide stance"?

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<i>Two of the nation’s premier moral issues organizations, the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America...</i>

Fail right out of the starting gate.

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When will the Moral wing of the GOP learn that if you want to wiggle around in money, you have to wriggle around in excrement?

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Will there be any self-loathing, gay conservative military men at the conference, along the likes of Jeff Gannon and Matt Sanchez? I hear that when these guys fuck you in the ass, they get so into it you can't sit down for a week. This "punishment" is actually not punishment at all, since it's what you want them to do, but don't tell them that!

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<i>"...Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, the nation’s best-known organization dedicated exclusively to opposing the homosexual political agenda."</i>

And I am the nation's best known wonkette comment-poster dedicated non-exclusively to opposing the pro-non-heterosexual opposition.

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