Pope Platitude I(aka)Pope Panderer..

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Damn, the right hates the Pope. How the mighty have fallen. Bashing the Pope is a great way to get the fundies on your side.

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Christie has such a hard-on for Assata Shakur citing her 1973 crime that killed 1 person but has zero compunction to criticize Reagan for allowing 2 bombers of Cubana Flight 455 (in 1976,killing 73) to emigrate to the U.S.

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What, no mention of Frothy?....................

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When you are to the right of the most conservative organization on the planet- no, literally, one of the functions of the Church is to preserve moral and social order, in as slow-moving a way as possible so as not to rush into error- then you just might be a fascist.Or a Moran.But what you aren't, is more Catholic than the Pope.

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Also, too: interrogating the universe so as to discover the truth within it, and thereby understand the order with which the Creator formed it (and glorify God in the knowing). They take truth very seriously.

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I know you can write it off. Comrade Mom and Running Dad get a statement every year before tax time.

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The Pope (and the early Church fathers, and the doctrine and dogma of the Church, and the Catechism, and unbroken Apostolic Succession, and a line of theologians stretching back to guys who knew this Yeshua dude) quite simply is the Church. Where he stands, there it is. If you claim to be a Roman Catholic and you think the Church is drifting away from you, look down. The Church is on the glacier over there: you've calved.

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Something something generation of serpents something den of thieves.

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That must be why the fundagelicals don't have a hierarchy. Wouldn't want anything getting between them and Jesus' forgiveness for all the incest and hookers and adultery and blow and embezzlement and...

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Well done Dok. Keep up the good work. Love the art work. Can we he a T Shirt?

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There are senior councils of preachers with various titles depending on the sect. But the best they can do is tsk-tsk, having no temporal authority.

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Everyone knows that American Jesus will come back dressed like Rambo...

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Anti-Catholic Know-Nothings cast a long shadow.

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You know who else will be waiting?

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"It's more blessed to be on the front end."?

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