Being nice is it's own reward but being naughty is rewarded with spankings and post spanking kisses

Being nice needs better rewards πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

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Lots of the bad kind of spankings, I'm sure - and lots of screaming and scolding and training in self hatred

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No, actual experts would say that you cannot generalize about the motives of individual sex offenders and you need to examine each case individually

"rape is about power, not sex" is a political slogan about rape culture - not an accurate statement of criminal motive - the truth is much more complicated and frankly much less comforting because removing individual motive tends to eliminates the paraphilias

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One should always give naughty princesses their desire.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹

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Every accusation is a confession with these regressive fucktacos.

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you can start sex education with potty training. you don't have to wait for kindergarten. we have it in kindergarten for all the kids whose parents didn't start that early. you don't need to talk about intercourse to explain the anatomy. but there are some texts that are for teaching kids that young where they came from.

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No one ever said slurs have to make sense.

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They think that at least they will be able to count to ten...

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If Florida really wanted to go after groomers, they’d pass a law barring Matt Gaetz from getting within 50 feet of a minor.

Catholic priests, too.

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Fox is trying to get people killed; specifically liberals.It’s maddening that they’re allowed to poison the public like this. That evil Nazi (redacted.)

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I hate to think what that woman does, to abuse her adopted children, they will be writing Mommie Dearest books, for sure.

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Wasn't it her, or the other evil blonde, that outed gay students in University?

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That made me sick when I learned of it, and it sure was never covered in school.

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She attended LGBTQ meetings for that purpose, she is a sick fuck.

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If I were going to believe it of anyone, I would believe it of him.

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I'm not sure how effective it will be outside of RW Christian Evangelicals. I think most "suburban moms" have a friend or relative with a gender non-conforming child or a gay teen and aren't going to be cool with the state bullying those kids.

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