God knows. I gave up when the blonde was in a catastrophic car accident and came back in a couple of months in a wheelchair without a single visible injury.
Want some inexpensive fun? Go over to Amazon (via the Wonkette link, of course; "CLICK! Don't be a Dick!") and particpate in the free-wheeling discussion of Ben's book "Bullies."
I've told this story before - but I can't resist repeating. Many moons ago, when I was in college in San Francisco, a friend of mine was downtown late one night when a young tough began harassing a gay gentleman.
Finally, the GG said "There's only one thing I like more than sucking cock and that's kicking ass." He then proceeded to wipe the sidewalk with the aggressive idiot.
I'm assuming these folks were fine with the court throwing out the major part of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) yesterday. Will they cry themselves to sleep tonight? Or will they just become more and more hysterical?
That would make a great Wonkette item:. "We spent $3,000,000 of the taxpayers' money to overturn gay marriage and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
God knows. I gave up when the blonde was in a catastrophic car accident and came back in a couple of months in a wheelchair without a single visible injury.
What's up with those gazillion pissy tweets about God from Bryan Fischer? FIFY
I don't even know how to classify the religion of these people. They obviously don't read their damn bibbles*
*Seriously - these "Christian" morons need to read the parable of the pharisee in Luke and shut the fuck up.
An Atheist.
chickens make for lousy oral sex
Well, <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=Yg3dt3kgCGc" target="_blank">there&#039;s this</a>
&quot;We need to breed more whites and buy more guns&quot;
I believe that is the entire GOP platform in a nutshell*
*emphasis on nuts
Want some inexpensive fun? Go over to Amazon (via the Wonkette link, of course; &quot;CLICK! Don&#039;t be a Dick!&quot;) and particpate in the free-wheeling discussion of Ben&#039;s book &quot;Bullies.&quot;
Big Fun!
Along with &quot;World&#039;s Tallest Jockey&quot; and &quot;World&#039;s Smartest Dumbass.&quot;
I&#039;ve told this story before - but I can&#039;t resist repeating. Many moons ago, when I was in college in San Francisco, a friend of mine was downtown late one night when a young tough began harassing a gay gentleman.
Finally, the GG said &quot;There&#039;s only one thing I like more than sucking cock and that&#039;s kicking ass.&quot; He then proceeded to wipe the sidewalk with the aggressive idiot.
I&#039;m assuming these folks were fine with the court throwing out the major part of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) yesterday. Will they cry themselves to sleep tonight? Or will they just become more and more hysterical?
That would make a great Wonkette item:. &quot;We spent $3,000,000 of the taxpayers&#039; money to overturn gay marriage and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.&quot;
Or the good citizens of the state of Connecticut could decide eminent domain can be used to seize property for private use.
You know, like the Texas Rangers under George Bush did to build a new baseball park.
You only get that if you are really, really lucky...
I would like to help.
I&#039;m not gay, but as Baldar said, I am gay-adjacent.
Also: I am not really stylish. I have one look. I pull it off well, but it&#039;s all I got.
On the plus side, I do design, and know actual color names. (i.e. Aquamarine instead of Blue-ish Green)
Sutro Baths libel!
Top tip: DO NOT do an image search for Maggie Gallagher. Even her Wikipedia pic is frightening.