Couldn't be more likewise, Grand Duchess Pnutska!I don't even know how to do a new wonkonym and avatar. Must ask a neighbor. Thinking of DonkeyOT-- say it fast-- 'cuz I'm always off-topic and tilting at windmills, and once I got to ride on a giant donkey big as a horse but smarter and a sweet and gentle critter. There really are such, google 'em up!And a picture of the shroomy shrimp could win someone everlasting fame (serving suggestion!)......

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Three-fifths of a chipmunk brain.

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Gotta stock up on liquor as they don't sell it on election day. I'll work on a name, but that may take a few drinks also, too. Good to hear from you.

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Ban Light Beer?

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They could have started by freeing their own.Charity begins at home, and all that

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Tumbleweed Lives Matter

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Kinda like the Great Wall that became an Express Way for Robbers and Invading Hordes

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He would confuse centimeters and inches, same as he mixes rubles and dollars to get his billions.

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Even if he knew, would he believe it?

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I believe D-money the convict also said that because the south wanted to count slaves as a full person that they did not consider them to be less of a person than a white person. That right there is some really strong thinking by Dinesh and his merry band of GOP enabling racists.

Fact is, they wanted every slave to count as a person so they could be given more representatives in congress (and therefore the electoral college) who could then vote to keep slavery around as long as possible, which in turn would give them more non-voting but fully counted slaves. So the more the slaves counted as part of the population (but didn't vote), the more they were likely to remain slaves.

It takes a special kind of evil to think like that.

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The Brits already have toad-in-a-hole and spotted dick. But that would do nicely, I think. Quite unappetizing, wouldn't you agree? Not erotic, but emetic? And does the Strumpet know what Stormy wrote about his junk?

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Three fifths of “a” brain. This does not mean it’s a good brain, or even “the best brain”.

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Call it Toad?

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From 1 to 10^61 Planck lengths/times, when the light is right.But there's my inability to hold my breakfast down when some vistas swim into view. But hey! A new class of food- the inappetizer- is born! The first example is a small, peeled shrimp with a button mushroom head attached to the big end with a toothpick. All it needs is a cheeky name to honor the PeeResident! Help me name it? Unless you like 'shrimpy 'shroom' or 'shroomy shrimp' already.And how are you? Ready to vote?Always good to hear from you,

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They both try to be cute about whether they have dated, but it is generally believed that they did. Plus they are "true and loyal friends".


And to further scare you with true things, Keith Olbermann and Laura Ingraham also dated---for quite some time.

There are plenty of things to criticize Bill Maher for---his strident Islamophobia, his frequent sexism and his intolerance of anyone on the left who disagrees with him. He and I may agree on many subjects, but we disagree on too many others for me to give him a pass like you apparently do.

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Spot on, Mr. Robinson!

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