Just attracted to 'em?

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Captured, Raptured, ruptured, and rape-tured rat-turds.

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But-- but it worked so well for Charlie Sheen!

Who was also fired today, eerily enough.

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Or beat himself up in a San Francisco airport men's room.

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I think I'd like your dad.

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<blockquote>that the show maintains a sense of hope.</blockquote> So instead of "we're all going to DIE!" he says "buy this Gold if you want to live!"

Uplifting! for our accounts

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He'll just find some golden tablets in a cave (directed by an angel no one has ever heard of) and start a new religion, based on the buying of gold stocks and reading the scriptures from a chalkboard.

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Hang in there, darlin'. Thinking of you.

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6) The Andrew Show.

Should bring in the younger audience.

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If by "unspeakable" you mean "unspeakably delicious," then I agree.

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'Four Scooter-Riders of the Apocalypse'!

Halitosis Snit-fit Binge and purge Mild handicap

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I dunno...the guy in the back has the same look on his face as the person who's been waiting in line for 45 minutes to get on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and is up next.

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You think his ratings are falling now, just wait 'til his audience is all sucked up in the <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/433979\/important-world-now-ending-in-may-not-waiting-for-2012" target="_blank"> rapture.</a>

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<blockquote>But at least he believes in something; the same can’t be said for the rest of those Fox personalities....</blockquote>

I find this view to be upside-down. First, the actual job of those bits of camera fodder is "news reader," just like they say in the UK.

Second, "at least he believes in something" does not really seem like a good thing in this context.

Idi Amin: At least he had the courage of his convictions. Timothy McVeigh: At least he had the persistence to follow through with a project. Jeffrey Dahmer: At least he wasn't afraid to try new things.

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