"Nutshell," indeed! Also.

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I have only one question: Will it be on pay-per-view?

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All of the hateful stupidity of both boiled down to the genetic essence of useless derp.

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or snort all that coke wIth his gay lovers ?

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Jesus fuck a bagpipe. He's not even trying to make sense.

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Can someone here start a story that Louis Gohmert has been paying elderly vets to piss on vegetables to discredit both illegal migrant farm workers and the FDA ? That's more realistic than this crock of shit that Rush has vomited all over internet.

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Sorry; that's still Twilight. WND comes close, though.

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Probably roots Air Force.

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The Brazilians again?

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I need more tequila.

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I hate this. Not only do the families of victims have to deal with losing their loved ones, but now they have to deal with a horde of morons with microphones who hound them about "false flags" and shout crap from the rooftops.

I hate people sometimes.

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Liking the direction the mobile version is going - <em>soooooooo</em> much than onswipe - but if you're gonna have that big image for the story in the flow you gotta float it.

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I get busy for a week and come back to find the site broken- THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!!1! Seriously, did we run out of electrons because of the government shutdown? Thanks Obama!!1!

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none of their idiotic drivel ever does

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