Love and respect to Genevieve. Most of my HIV+ clients are poor, black, and uneducated. Fortunately, I remembered reading about Kizzmekia Corbett, Ph.D. in an online magazine called Black Enterprise. She and her team worked for six years on a vaccine for SARS, and when SARS-CoV-2 otherwise known as COVID-19 came along, they had laid the groundwork and were tapped by Dr. Fauci for the team that, with Dolly Parton's funding, made the Moderna. I had pictures of the young, Christian, Black and beautiful Dr. Kizzie and shared her story with my clients to convince them to get vaccinated.
I travel the bus and subway surrounded by plague rats who think they're too fucking cute to wear masks. Fucking fuckers.
A good friend of mine who went to the dark side of politics for some reason tried to imply that Tom Browning died because he got the vaccine. I had let a lot of stuff go but as his friend I finally felt I had to confront him. I explained I vaccinated 1000 people 4 or 5 times in 16 months and we had zero abnormal deaths. Just deaths of unvaccinated people who got Covid. Luckily it didn’t hurt our friendship and he backed down.
When no cause of death is given in a death notice, many times that person has taken his/her own life. That should never be disclosed unless the person is well-known or the death was unusual in some way. Along come these asswipes to besmirch someone's memory to spread bullshit conspiracy theories. That really should be illegal.
Or the idiots who claim that food crops are "poisoned" with various chemical sprays that Cause Cancer, and therefore people who eat the produce from those crops will *definitely* get cancer unless they swap to Organic food.
So what does that mean for all the crops (including organic!) that are grown in fucking sunlight?
The people opposing Washington at least had some cause. He didn't mandate vaccination against smallpox, which didn't exist in the 1770s. He mandated variolation, a much more dangerous procedure where pus from an actual smallpox vessicle was smeared into a cut. The person would then actually get smallpox, but the pus was sourced from someone with a mild case, so they'd generally survive. Variolation had a death rate of around 2%; a big improvement on "wild" smallpox's 30%, but still pretty fucking terrifying.
In 1802, Edward Jenner famously showed that variolation with Cowpox prevented smallpox with virtually no risk. Even then, anti-vaxxers had quite a bit of justification for being leery. It was the age of "Heroic Medicine", where doctors routinely prescribed extremely painful and dangerous "treatments" that did no good whatsoever - they probably saw vaccination as just one more. Germ theory and the existence of bacteria, let alone viruses, was unknown. People believed illness was spread by "bad air". Patients got hideous infections (and quite likely blood-borne illnesses as well) from unsterile instruments. Vaccination was a completely new, and very experimental, concept. It looked exactly like the dangerous practice of variolation. No one likes the idea of catching an animal disease (there's a very famous cartoon showing cows' heads erupting from newly vaccinated people). There was probably even a dose of classism and sexism at play - what self-respecting man wanted a milkmaid's disease?
Today's antivaxxers have no such excuses. Today's vaccines aren't pus smeared into a cut made with a dirty knife, and there's no way regulators would accept a 2% death rate. There's all the evidence in the world that shows vaccines are safe and effective.
When the Covid vaccine came out, antivaxxers swarmed my town's FB pages. I found an approach that at least made them shut up where I could hear them. I politely said I wasn't familiar with their (apocalyptic) claims, and could they please share their sources with me so I could learn more?
If they told me to Do My Own Research, I'd reply that I'd tried, but I could only find this source and this source and this source that say vaccines are safe and effective. I'm trying to learn more about this terrible danger to my health, but you won't help me. Why won't you help me?
If they sent me their sources, then the fun really began. If it was a crap source, I'd say it was a crap source and why. And if it was from a reputable source, I'd read that shit and explain why, in context, it didn't say what they were claiming it did.
At this point an Enabler would spring up. Why am I arguing about this? Why can't I just respect people's personal medical choices? But I do respect people's personal medical choices, I replied. I respect them so much that I want to make sure people are well informed about those decisions. I don't want them to be misled by false claims. And while I realise the people posting incorrect information here are doing so in good faith, I can't let that information go unchallenged. If a person has all the false claims explained and their questions answered and still decides against being vaccinated; I'll respect that position and not bother them further. But I will not stand for life-and-death decisions being made on the basis of wrong information.
And in the end they gave up and stopped posting bullshit. It's one of the great accomplishments of my life. I realise it probably wouldn't scale up; but I made one small corner of the internet safe for factual information on vaccination.
Yes, but can you exactly replicate the study? Trajectory? Speed? Percentage actual silver? Think of the basic research principles!
i’ve had 5 vaccinations so far, changed my name to Hugh Jorgan …
Love and respect to Genevieve. Most of my HIV+ clients are poor, black, and uneducated. Fortunately, I remembered reading about Kizzmekia Corbett, Ph.D. in an online magazine called Black Enterprise. She and her team worked for six years on a vaccine for SARS, and when SARS-CoV-2 otherwise known as COVID-19 came along, they had laid the groundwork and were tapped by Dr. Fauci for the team that, with Dolly Parton's funding, made the Moderna. I had pictures of the young, Christian, Black and beautiful Dr. Kizzie and shared her story with my clients to convince them to get vaccinated.
I travel the bus and subway surrounded by plague rats who think they're too fucking cute to wear masks. Fucking fuckers.
Look. One dead rat looks like any other dead rat. I'd fill another sock with washers to check.
With any luck Musk will finish destroying Twitter soon and we'll never have to hear from the Twits again.
is that like the unfortunate circumstances surrounding Geronimo’s cadillac ?
Elvis would be alive today if his psychopath toilet hadn’t murderated him ded.
Sounds kinda Len Bias-ed.
Plus he was the orange admiral of Operation Warp Speed who single tiny handedly developed all the vaccines himself.
A good friend of mine who went to the dark side of politics for some reason tried to imply that Tom Browning died because he got the vaccine. I had let a lot of stuff go but as his friend I finally felt I had to confront him. I explained I vaccinated 1000 people 4 or 5 times in 16 months and we had zero abnormal deaths. Just deaths of unvaccinated people who got Covid. Luckily it didn’t hurt our friendship and he backed down.
When no cause of death is given in a death notice, many times that person has taken his/her own life. That should never be disclosed unless the person is well-known or the death was unusual in some way. Along come these asswipes to besmirch someone's memory to spread bullshit conspiracy theories. That really should be illegal.
I’ll see your “sudden deaths” and raise you people who have died of Covid.
Or the idiots who claim that food crops are "poisoned" with various chemical sprays that Cause Cancer, and therefore people who eat the produce from those crops will *definitely* get cancer unless they swap to Organic food.
So what does that mean for all the crops (including organic!) that are grown in fucking sunlight?
The people opposing Washington at least had some cause. He didn't mandate vaccination against smallpox, which didn't exist in the 1770s. He mandated variolation, a much more dangerous procedure where pus from an actual smallpox vessicle was smeared into a cut. The person would then actually get smallpox, but the pus was sourced from someone with a mild case, so they'd generally survive. Variolation had a death rate of around 2%; a big improvement on "wild" smallpox's 30%, but still pretty fucking terrifying.
In 1802, Edward Jenner famously showed that variolation with Cowpox prevented smallpox with virtually no risk. Even then, anti-vaxxers had quite a bit of justification for being leery. It was the age of "Heroic Medicine", where doctors routinely prescribed extremely painful and dangerous "treatments" that did no good whatsoever - they probably saw vaccination as just one more. Germ theory and the existence of bacteria, let alone viruses, was unknown. People believed illness was spread by "bad air". Patients got hideous infections (and quite likely blood-borne illnesses as well) from unsterile instruments. Vaccination was a completely new, and very experimental, concept. It looked exactly like the dangerous practice of variolation. No one likes the idea of catching an animal disease (there's a very famous cartoon showing cows' heads erupting from newly vaccinated people). There was probably even a dose of classism and sexism at play - what self-respecting man wanted a milkmaid's disease?
Today's antivaxxers have no such excuses. Today's vaccines aren't pus smeared into a cut made with a dirty knife, and there's no way regulators would accept a 2% death rate. There's all the evidence in the world that shows vaccines are safe and effective.
When the Covid vaccine came out, antivaxxers swarmed my town's FB pages. I found an approach that at least made them shut up where I could hear them. I politely said I wasn't familiar with their (apocalyptic) claims, and could they please share their sources with me so I could learn more?
If they told me to Do My Own Research, I'd reply that I'd tried, but I could only find this source and this source and this source that say vaccines are safe and effective. I'm trying to learn more about this terrible danger to my health, but you won't help me. Why won't you help me?
If they sent me their sources, then the fun really began. If it was a crap source, I'd say it was a crap source and why. And if it was from a reputable source, I'd read that shit and explain why, in context, it didn't say what they were claiming it did.
At this point an Enabler would spring up. Why am I arguing about this? Why can't I just respect people's personal medical choices? But I do respect people's personal medical choices, I replied. I respect them so much that I want to make sure people are well informed about those decisions. I don't want them to be misled by false claims. And while I realise the people posting incorrect information here are doing so in good faith, I can't let that information go unchallenged. If a person has all the false claims explained and their questions answered and still decides against being vaccinated; I'll respect that position and not bother them further. But I will not stand for life-and-death decisions being made on the basis of wrong information.
And in the end they gave up and stopped posting bullshit. It's one of the great accomplishments of my life. I realise it probably wouldn't scale up; but I made one small corner of the internet safe for factual information on vaccination.
Thanks for your work, both the inoculations and the educating.
Living in a Post-truth world you get Post-truth...