Hey, I kinda like old Jean Harlow movies.

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Is this related to the coffee-bean shitting whatevers?

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O c'mon. That's just consultants.

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The White House undoubtedly has guidelines for phone calls.

I'm guessing one of them is "If the only reply you can think of is 'Oh, for fuck's sake', just hang up".

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Scott Brown's BUTT can.

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That was what I was about to try to look up. Thanks. Now I don't have to.

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Jesus. A little silence would be SO cool.

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The unidentified (I made it up) Senator's office ....

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Shapiro: Generally I simply concoct a story and run it; this time I pretended that someone else made it up and told me about it.

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Can I call him a scum-sucking piece of shit?

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I started to try to decipher this schmutz, because panties after all, but as I worked my way through it, I kept inserting parenthetical bits of truth, like "(I am lying)", following purported Shapiro excerpts.

As I edited my work for length, it eventually just reduced to

"(I am lying)".

While I do think that this is an <i>accurate</i> translation of Shapiro's apologia, it's not very snappy, so I fear I am out of the running for prizes.

In a related point, I have to express my amazement that <i>anybody</i>, even an apparent acephelic such as Ben Shapiro, could seriously believe that a mainstream Republican like Hagel would actually give a speech to, and take money from, an organization named "Friends of Hamas". I guess this is stupid transcendence.

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Edward Klein writes books using just that technique. And the results speak for themselves...

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Probably has more Twitter followers than Ole Newt and Duh Gov' put together.

And they're all just as fake.

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"Sex is only dirty if you do it right"

~ Woody Allen

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Popular Front - that would be Megan Fox?

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