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A condom for every Koch!

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Eugenics, if done properly, would have spared us from the likes of Gutfeld.

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Don't worry, teatards, you're still allowed to poop out as many kids as you want and us liberals will continue to fight [you] for their access to education and special accommodations for their learning disabilities and healthcare while the Kochsuckers continue to make new poors every day. Fuck off, you stupid fucking pieces of shit, also, too.

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Apparently Gutfeld thinks no one is sponge worthy.

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Millions of college and graduate students would certainly turn down some free birth control, just like they turn down free pizza and t-shirts.

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What a great idea for next year's Pride Parade! I'm fixed and monogamous with MisterBarry, so no need for the condoms, but love candy!

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I'm so sorry, Puck! I hope there were many opioid pain medications to dull the senses (as I recently discovered, myself, they really do fuck with one's higher order thinking when taken continuously for a few days...yay, morphine button). In all seriousness, hope you're feeling better.

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Um, can I get a heads up on when this is happening so I can get MisterBarry and BarryDog to a bunker before the shooting starts? Thanks in advance!

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I see what you did there...many upfists, Comrad.

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I fart in their general direction.

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man what a tool.

and what a charming name to go along with it.

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The LORD commanded that we be fruitful and multiply, so that the spread of infectious diseases would never be impeded.

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