Killing people who want you to die, but haven't attempted to kill you yet, is exempted.

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"We all know that giving marijuana to poor people will just cause them to become addicted and consequently lose whatever motivation they still have to improve themselves," the California Narcotic Officers’ Association spokesman added. "That class of people is so plagued by indolence as it is, so why is the city of Berkeley all set to do something that will only make the problem worse? Poor people aren't anything like the rest of us, and they don't respond to marijuana in the same way that a normal person would."

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The proposal involves <i><b>medical</b></i> marijuana, for people with diagnosed conditions whose symptoms may be eased through the use of marijuana. It doesn't involve distributing pot vouchers to every resident in designated wards of the city, any more than the current law opens the pot dispensaries to anyone with cash in hand. Regarding food availability, programs already exist that provide nutritional assistance to low income people.

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Wait. Are we still talking about boobs?

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I hear that the Mormons have a conversation technology that does not require the subject to be alive or to be threatened with death.

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Oscar Pistorius?

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On his boobs.

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I’m <strike>personally</strike> ready <strike>for either one </strike>to send young men and women off to some god forsaken desert hellhole to do my dirty work. FTFY

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:::raises hand::: Me

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I saw what you did there.

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He has a strong union.

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I find those nose ridge-y things....compelling.

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Six weeks? You'd have 5 weeks' worth left over.

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This proves Robertson is a Shiite.

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Are food retailers mandated to donate to low-income people. I know this sounds weird, but I honestly believe food is more important than grass.

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He'd ride into Jerusalem on the back of a Merkava.

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