When are these people going to be prosecuted? http://www.latimes.com/la-n... Anyone who listens to the media today has to be nodding on drugs.

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Pierce O'Donnell, who gave $26,000 in illegal contributions to 2004 Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards and ended up facing only misdemeanor charges .

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No, Nazism, Communism, Socialism, Totalitarianism, are all left-wing governing ideas. Like Democrats and regressives. Sucks to be on the wrong side huh?

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He obviously hit a nerve. That usually happens when the truth is revealed.

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Yeah I mean that is what the Clinton's do. Why shouldn't the socialist-in-chief do the same.

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Awe too stupid to listen to the very words from the perpetrators mouths huh.

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Good Lord, you're an idiot. You seriously don't understand the difference between the post-war housing boom -- part of the longest and most far-reaching economic expansion in American history -- and the recent housing bubble? Your assertion is absolutely idiotic and completely incorrect. WWII didn't "push globalism" you mental midget -- it simply demonstrated the untenable nature and high costs of isolationism. Are you proud of being a moron? F off yourself, dinkus.

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LOL Another ridiculous canard of the uneducated right. Totalitarianism is not actually an ideology of the left OR the right: it's simply a mode of governance and can be adopted by both sides of the right/left ideological spectrum. Case in point is the conflict between Hitler and Stalin -- both totalitarians, but clearly ideological foes. As for your incorrect claim that Nazism was a "left wing governing idea" that's absolutely absurd, and a cursory reading of any of Hitler's speeches or texts will demonstrate this. Moreover, Democrats are considered Liberals, which is far to the right of most socialists and communists on the political spectrum -- just look at the ideological divide between Hillary and hardcore Bernie supporters to see this in action. No, I'm afraid that you're deeply misinformed and pushing a partisan lie that has no basis in reality. Try again.

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Obama is such a loser. he's so butt hurt that someone exposed him for the person he truly is.

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There is no real difference between liberals and socialists. Even Hilary herself can't explain the difference. Remember there are varying degrees of liberalism. Bernie is further left on most issues than Hilary but is a liberal. However a liberal democrat like Dennis Kucinich is even further to the left than Bernie is and he does not call himself a socialist but all 3 of them are.

Hitler was a national socialist. If you knew anything about how Nazi Germany was run you would know it was a socialist country. Hitler was just a very strange Socialist who happened to be a nationalist unlike most modern socialists who are globalists.

FYI Not all democrats are liberals just like not all republicans are conservatives. Some Democrats are moderate, libertarian or populists, just like Republicans.

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Yeah Obama bothers me too.

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Ironic because it should be Obama in prison not Dsouza.

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This article is rather stupid. I am sorry I bothered to read it.

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D'Souza donated $20,000. Not tens of thousands.

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Sorry, but all the sarcastic nonsense you regurgitate isn't going to change the inalienable fact that you are in support of a vile murderess.

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I think C.A. Pinkham had better go back to serving... I don't think he'll get one square meal from this juvenile work. (Now if only I could get back the 1 1/2 minutes I foolishly used to skim part of the article...)

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