I thought his middle name was Walker.

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For Bernardo, I think that life in prison was a much better sentence than death- which of course we don't have in Canada any more. There were lots of people screaming to string him up, but I love the idea of Bernardo locked up for decades, never having control over another human being ever again, and in fact having his every moment controlled by others who despise him. Oh and knowing that there's just a locked door between him and a general prison population who would cheerfully rip him to shreds if they could get to him. This is a just punishment. On the other hand, that bitch Homolka got out and is now the mother of children in someplace like Bermuda. So that's not good. ps, sadly, some deluded female wants to marry Bernardo, describing him as "a kind man, a Christian."

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Feminist... you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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Factual... also, too.

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"some deluded female wants to marry Bernardo, describing him as "a kind man, a Christian."

What could possibly go right?

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Ugh, that AEI lady's got a case of industrial-grade bitchface. Pause the video at any point and she's always somewhere between sneer and loathe.

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Roofies my ass!!!Stop eating undercooked chicken you dumb bitch and you wont be shitting yourself and dreaming of fucking

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Sisters from another mother's vaginal plates? (chafing dishes obvs)

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Kind of like a GOP congresscritter.

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It's AEI; they are paid, and paid well, to provide a forum for ignorant assholes, and to provide the same answers ignorant assholes would give if they were able to come in and speak for themselves.

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I can't even see where the "fun" is in having sex with someone who's not conscious. So yeah, there's definitely something "special" about the shitheads who do this.

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Yeesh. NYC drivers are insane, but at least we're skilled.

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My son's sister-in-law was roofied while she was dancing with her husband - her husband who is 6' 5" and can lift 700 lbs - at a club in LA. That "think tank" lady needs to eat a bag of our favorite salted treats.

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Oh, is it victim-blaming hour once again?

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Congrats, Holy Mother Editrix. I haven't heard "ignorant slut" since it referred to Jane Wyman as a bit on SNL. Although I think in this case my laughter may have been a tad inappropriate. Appy-polly-loggies, m'lady.

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Nice graphics from Taiwan. It brought true realism to the event.

So what the hell is some analyst from the American Enterprise Institute doing telling me to not worry about Mrs. Fartknocker being given a roofie? Well, given the fact that Dick Cheney's wife sits on the board as well as Newt Gingrich, this obvious puff piece is to warn people that the pharma provider is not bad, and that in no way can this harm someone.

Utter horse shit. As a simple fire officer in a college town I have first hand experience with this and I've seen a few patients who were advanced life support category.

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