Oh, the Court of Appeals is going to have fun with this dope.

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<i>"The ruling has no immediate impact, with the government saying there was no reason for Judge Arthur Schwab of the Western District of Pennsylvania to address the issue in the case ... Government lawyers told Schwab that Juarez-Escobar, who has pleaded guilty to re-entering the country, was not eligible because Obama’s order does not affect criminal proceedings."</i> *

Doesn't this seem like an initiation challenge Schwab had to complete to be admitted as a member of some Tea Party/KKK-lite club?

*From the Reuters story as posted on Raw Story.

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Gosh, Obama's Unconstitutionable Executive Order of Unlawful Tyrannication sort of kind of says it will "prioritize deporting felons not families, and require certain undocumented immigrants to pass a criminal background check"

Which sort of kind of maybe perhaps if you don't have a Conservative Brain Contusion means criminals are not even close to being eligible in general, and in some states, a second DWI offense IS a felony, so Judge Sean Schwabbity had pretty much zero reason to even start working on his super cool display for the National Museum of Stupidity.

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Having risen to the stratospheric height of adjunct professor at Grove City College, Schwab was nominated in 2002 by George W. Bush to the U.S. Western District of Pennsylvania. In 2008, Schwab eaned the lowest ranking among federal judges from the Allegheny County Bar Association. In 2011, he was accused of bias and recused himself from seventeen ongoing cases. He was removed from one trial by an Appellate court, which cited a "combative tenor" in the proceedings and hoped for "reduced level of rancor." The new judge in the case tossed out most of the evidence, and all charges were dropped against the defendant (who just hapened to be a prominent Democrat.)

<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Arthur_J._Schwab" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_J._Schwab">http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

Another gift that keeps on giving, from George Dumbfuck Bush.

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They certainly have in the past . . . see below.

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You made me laugh out loud at work. Now they want to know what's funny about this PowerPoint I'm working on.

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