Does this school have a female gym teacher?

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Really? I'd suspect the parent was drugged.

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i hope the key players here choke on a mouthful of chik-fil-a.

choke with votes of course.

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Yeah, could go either way.

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So, this has replaced the toaster? More practical, for sure.

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Yes. If he was, you know, the civics teacher, you might reasonably expect him to teach civics. Perhaps he thought he was the civics <i>inspector</i>?

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Gah. Just thinking about it has finished me for the day.

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He called dibs months ago.

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More likely, the civics interrogator.

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Oh, after spending my childhood watching my father barely manage to retain his sanity dealing with corporate nonsense, I made sure never to join a truly big company - my first employer had a staff count in the low 300s, and my current company is <em>much</em> smaller.

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It's probably best left unexplained.

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Slightly different thing - the Peter Principle is when you were <em>good</em> at the lower level job.

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Now that is an excellent question, the need for which causes me to be even more grateful that West's stint in the front of a classroom was a short one.

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The Cesspit Principle, the shit rises to the top.

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and get a restraining order.

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