Um, isn't what you just described classified as a crime?

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All the upfists on the internets aren't enough to thank you for this post.

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Black Lives Matter is a racist organization. Why do you hate cops and Amercia? If only the kid had cooperated, he'd still be alive. Blue lives matter. All lives matter. Did I miss any talking points?

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Except no alcohol was involved.

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Yeah the most important one.

"He deserved it because he was resisting arrest." (along with everyone else in that car, the boy who died was obviously not the driver).

You know, even moving away from cops counts as resisting arrest nowadays.

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If only I had 10,000 friends to each loan me a dollar.

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Only white people are allowed to exercise 2A rights. All others deserve to be shot....even if their gun is a toy.

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Last night, I walked into a wine/beer outlet in ohio and asked, "do you sell wine here?" Because I think it's funny. Then I had a lenghthy conversation with my 19 year old daughter about the beautiful blown glass bongs on display. Bottom line: I am not my mothers child, but my daughter is me made over.

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Not when cops do it.

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We all are.

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That is cool! proudgramma thinks the prouddaughter is nothing like her, but I try to tactfully point out that, yes she is.

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Saw a "blue lives matter" sticker on a car the other day. No shit, buddy; no one said they didn't matter. But cops aren't being disproportionately harassed, arrested and killed without consequences.

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Let's check in with Sean Spicer, once he's done explaining The Wall.

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Yeah, Baton Rouge is eight degrees of fucked up. Thirty years ago, there was a huge billboard there, If I remember correctly, that pretty much said "N-----r, don't let the sun go down on you in this town".

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You know, as a white lady of a certain age, I'd be willing to bet that if I had to go to the police station because my son had been shot somehow, I wouldn't be arrested. Call it a hunch.

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And, of course, being white, you wouldn't be acting all agitated and uppity, like "those" people tend to do.

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