There's rats in the basement, Blanche.

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Wow, that much, eh?


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Huh? I thought all the governors of NM were named either Mechem or King?


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Heavy breathing into the phone.

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and soooo talented !

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Snowballs in New Mexico? Did a cold snap just seek out the hotel or something?

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Lydia, the Queen of tattoos?

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but Piglet referred to the inside of a shop vacuum cleaner as the land of enchantment...can there be two such lands?

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reminds me of those old Bell Atlantic Yellow Pages commercials with James Earl Jones in which two Elvis Impersonators got in a fender bender and one said to the other "Just who do you think you are?" to which the other responded "who do you think I think I am?"

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you had to even ask us?

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that's way more than 22"

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A captain drives a BMW? Oh yeah, I didn't have kids when I was a capitan.

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Ah yes, the old "we're just eating pizza" defense.

But the guv blew her story when she said she arrived two hours ago, and if shit happened, it was six hours ago. I say six hours ago.

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Does she happen to have a staffer named Lydia Booze-Fueled? That would further explain the mix-up

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Who doesn't get their freak on when its girls' night out?

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