Yeah, I can see Pinkie with a suicide vest made of confetti-burping party poppers.

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Reading comprehension fail.

The point is not to rush to judgment.

Little story. This bombing happened in Oklahoma City. Maybe you remember it. Everyone speculated it was Islamic terrorists, only it wasn't, was it?

How many mass shooting have happened this year? Ooh a lot. First in called "terrorism."

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And flugelhorns

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Riddle me this, Batman:

Since the NSA has access to all of our online information and phones, how is it they 'never' seem to notice someone buying inordinate amounts of guns and ammo? Surely they can 'follow the money' and find out exactly who 'these ammosexuals' are and visit them to find out WTF they are doing with 75 AKs and 5,000 rounds of ammo? Credit card companies should be required to report these purchases - you know, for the 'General Welfare' of citizens.....and why is there no law that stops these 'burner' phones? The technology is there.....

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I would like to know that as well.

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One white, American Christian terrorist versus one American Muslim terrorist and his Saudi wife.

What about the other 354 mass shootings (2 or more killed by gunfire) this year? How many of those were any kind of Muslims and how many were white American Christians?

Maybe religion is the problem ... or maybe it's the guns?

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WHy would anyone feel like a moron for mocking Faux "news'" PREMATURE and typical rush to incite people that something is "terrorism" BEFORE anyone in law enforcement had confirmed it?

You SHOULD feel like a fucking moron for buying into every stupid idea that some Faux propagandist shovels into the hole where your brain should be. Try thinking for yourself sheeple.

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From the NY Times this morning:"The F.B.I. is treating the Wednesday shooting as a potential terrorist act, though the agency is far from concluding that it was, two law enforcement officials said."

"evidence that one of them had been in touch with people with Islamist extremist views, both in the United States and abroad, all contributed to the decision to refocus the investigation"

Calling it terrorism and treating it as terrorism are certainly different. Nothing about GoPro cameras or declaring them to be Muslim extremists. And saying "they had been in contact with extremists" is very different from "reached out to terrorists on the FBI watch list". Who's wiping semen off their face now?http://www.nytimes.com/2015...

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"growing a beard"

So THAT'S why the hipster in the park with the typewriter greeted me with 'Allahu Akbar'. I thought it was some new slang from Minecraft.

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Uh oh!

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Legally obtained


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Go to a gun show with cash. We have them in Virginia where cash and weapons are traded legally without background checks. It's affectionately referred to as a "loophole" in the gun laws. *wink wink*

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Gunshows and P2P sales are not regulated. This is one of the loopholes that Dems want to close. Gunshows are cray.

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*PSSST. I think that's what the OP meant . . .*

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Indeed it is a loophole. So tell me, how to you stop people selling guns on the side? And who the hell will notice the difference? You think criminals will buy guns legally? Don't you think there are probably unscrupulus gun dealers just like in any other business. We all know the loophole exists. Now, tell us how we plug it, so people do not sell guns on the side. I'll wait.

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You can't regulate drug sales in a back alley, either....

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