How many additional guns were sold during that time span? If you only tool is a hammer...

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The few times that I have seen the local county mounties out of their vehicles leads me to believe that they would be out of breath before they walked a block.

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“We did a survey of a couple of hundred police departments showing retirements increasing, resignations increasing…”Cool, the assholes are defunding themselves, now GTFO.

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Yes, Watergate took two years, legal matters have to be done just so.


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Just a thought. Having a lot of people on your payroll who are likely to sicken, get long haul, or die, sounds a bit disastrous to the ol' insurance rates, you know? Sounds ... expensive.

And capitalists really hate that. So either they quit, or they go on voluntary-involuntary sick leave. I'm going to suggest we are hearing the typical noise made by someone forced to lie in a bed they just made: 'You're going to regret this,' and 'You never knew how good you had it, until I'm gone.'

Sure. There is always the prospect, given what we know about our friendos in law enforcement of late, that their leaving might shake out all right in the end. Kind of like when your alcoholic spouse leaves you, or you fire the kid everyone loved, but didn't put in a single day's work, and was a thief.

The trouble being now you're left to wonder: what the hell is that malcontent up to in that cabin in the woods?

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A carefully planned murder, like the ones Agatha Christie wrote about, generally involves some effort to avoid consequences, yes.

But aperson in the middle of a dispute, with a gun in their hand (or pocket or holster) and angry enough to pull the trigger - come on. there is no room in that brain at that moment for any thought of consequences. Tripling the size of the police force would not prevent that homicide. It would only provide mor humanpower to solve it (along with the complex ones.)

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Unless exonerated due to DNA evidence.

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Or worse: Serpico.

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I always wondered about that phrase.

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Getting what they deserve, but also passing disease on to the innocent.

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Pretty sure we can replace them with new and improved cops.

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Oh no! Cops are also reportedly quitting over vaccine mandatesAs opposed to removing those qualified immunity laws the republicans were pitching a fit about.

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I have heard that, but there is little evidence of it actually being used that way. (Which I guess just proves that it's almost always used that way, or something.)


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Teachers are retiring in droves causing a much worse crisis across the US but I don't see anyone breathlessly reporting on those bad conservatives pushing cuts to public schools.

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I, and I'm sure others, have long been under the impression that cops existing somehow deterred crime. I was wrong but few in the media are interested in dismantling popular myths about cops.

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