LOL.Were these Gamergate abusers all teens tho'?

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No idea really. Judging from their actions though...they're quite immature either way.

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Indeed. Yet male teens capable of extreme violence as well, as history has shown.Key to my argument tho' right ?" The F.B.I was reluctant to take the case prosecuting twenty fourteen year olds, because their Moms should have raised them better. "

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Don't know why but I always feel sorry for the losers. I think they need to do more in schools teaching diversity. We are all the same in some ways but also unique in some ways. They did that in Norway or someplace to assimilate the Mooslums and it really helped. Far less problems. Kids are interested in everything and are pretty accepting but if they don't understand they will make fun and be mean. Right now I am feeling kind of hopeless because Trump.

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And the other teensy little fact that both WAM and the FBI found no link connecting GG to harassment. The FBI found three people harasssing others that could be connected to GG in any way. Three people out of over a hundred thousand. THREE. I can find more harassers than that by orders of magnitude in feminism or BLM.

All Kotaku had to do was say, "hey, we fucked up and will do better in the future." But they didn't do that. And we know from the GameJournoPros email leaks that they coordinated and covered it up so people wouldn't look into the even worse shit they were up to, which in the end came out anyway.

On top of that, Brianna Wu and Zoe Quinn were caught multiple times fabricating their own harassment. Brianna Wu on twitter and on Steam, Quinn with her old buddies from SomethingAwful forums and her buddies from CON as the leaked chatlogs showed. Anita was at least smart enough to keep her accusations vague enough to allow plausible deniability. Aside from that you had a couple randos that retracted their statements after a couple weeks.

So in the end, the harassment narrative ending up holding no water, as the FBI report confirmed, and all it ended up doing was ruining the credibility of the press which had much farther reaching effects than any of them imagined.

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No, cupcake. Your buffoonery will not stand...but thanks for missing the point of the article ON WHICH YOU FUCKING COMMENTED.

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Won't stand? What, pray tell, do you intend to do about it? You have no high ground. Moral, legal or otherwise. You've got no proof to back your claims, against the mountains of ours. All you have are a hand full of shills looking to make a buck off of your idiocy that bailed on this whole culture war you wanted to fight once the money dried up.

So tell me, what DO you plan to do to stop this?

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Well, I won't engage in fuckwits like you who think they own the place, mistake their own pathetic self-high-fiving for "proof" of their "claims," and blame victims for crimes.

What "buck" am I making off of any of this - what "buck" makes up for hundreds of incidents of harassment and threats, for the fear that drives women out of their homes because some fucking knob wanted to get back at his ex-girlfriend and dozens of sad, self-impressed fuckwits like you backed him up?

Fuck off, you pompous bigot. You and your sad little hero.

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Yet here you are, continuing to engage me with your impotent rage. There was no harassment, the FBI proved that. None of these strong, independent, oppressed damsels fled their homes either. Wu "fled" to ComicCon where she immediately tweeted out her exact location, and Quinn "fled" to the European vacation she'd planned with her sugar daddy half a year prior. Such flee, much fear. Then they open up their patreons and suckers like you line up to pay.

I'm a bit confused about your butthurt over the ex that exposed how she manipulated, abused and sexually assaulted him though. Do you show a similar level of outrage when women do the same thing?

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So you didn't read the article.

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LOL! Yup, I wasn't totally sure either, which is why I put that little (?) next to "lady"...

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I have quite enjoyed the 2+ years of butthurt over GG. Don't let the door to the FBI offices hit you in the ass on the way out ;)

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That's when they call in a specialist. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Was it about ethics in gaming journalism?

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I just reread the court on Elonis v. United States, 135 S. Ct. 2001 (2015) and I do agree with the decision. Elonis did not specifically threaten anybody although his posts were seen as a general threat.

Now this does not mean that the Gamergate folks did not cross the line. Setting up a Craigslist ad and many of those other acts represent true threats that are meant/were to be carried out and are not protected speech.

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