Yeah, if Michelle were white or High Yeller instead of the Nubian Goddess she is, I don't think he'd have gotten half as far.

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I never attended Princeton, SD. I just ridicule its faculty from a safe distance.

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But is there really any chance of a full-on withdrawal? I mean, he could scream up or down all day about 1967 borders, but those settlements right near Jerusalem are just too well-established; they're not going anywhere. I mean, that's just reality. Face it, everyone knows what "peace" will look like: 1967 borders with some swaps, compensation to the refugees, etc. It's really the only plan that will work. The trouble is neither side is willing yet to give in and just DO IT already.

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But I have it on good authority from everyone on Fox News that Obama's the biggest left-wing president in all of American history!

So confused now...

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to be fair - and as a chicago native, U of C grad who lives in sin with a southerner i have authority to say this - something really weird happens south of the mason dixon line.

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this is exactly right. settlement swaps, negotiated compromise on right of return and some kind of international status for jerusalem.

so easy to type, so impossible to make happen.

le sigh.

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Yes, because Hillary never stepped foot in a church, lest she be struck dead for the sin of being a powerful woman in a pantsuit. Seriously, WTF? I mean, I'm a godless heathen who hates the pandering piety that American politics of the past three or four decades demands, but it's not like there were any atheists campaigning. I distinctly remember Hillary getting her southern on at a church, for instance.

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He said Obama was most comfortable with "upper-class white and Jewish men" because he's "afraid of free black people" or something. It wasn't full on "he's in thrall to the Elders of Zion!", but it just felt kinda Farrahkhany.

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Israel stole that land fair and square, so no way are they going to swap territory for it. End of discussion. So long as they know that they can do whatever the hell they want and suffer no lasting consequences, the gradual annexation of Jerusalem will proceed.

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Barry did go into office with the best of intentions. Then the representatives of the Power Elite showed him the film from the Grassy Knoll.

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Yeah, that would be so easy to do. The Repukes haven't even bought into the <i>20th</i> century yet.

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I figured they just needed a bunch of books, and grabbed a boxfull of remaindered shit.

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So Jackson, Smiley, West et al. were completely post-racial -- they backed Hillary for all the usual political reasons. We've come a long way, baby!

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Sounds to me like the mirror image of Palin's "real Americans" horseshit.

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I took a graduate course with Cornel a few decades ago. He was brilliantly incisive at times, flamboyantly jivey at times, and just a bit full of himself most of the time. His "brother" this and "brother" that always seemed contrived to me, and sometimes hostile. Like the southerners' use of the dissimulating phrase "bless her heart."

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He needs the services of a haberdasher as well.

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