I know that trying to find sense in what Hannity says is a losing proposition, but can anyone tell me how trying to make Barr adhere to the US laws would make this Saddam Hussain's USA? Or does this fall under "Shut up! THAT's WHY!"

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I've always liked Booker, but with this gun control plan, on top of his response to Don Lemon about reparations, I think I'm in love.

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And THAT is what makes it camp!

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Fairly sure that's in Booker's plan -- he talks about boosting research on guns, which would require such a repeal.

I also support Booker getting better writers/editors.

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I was sorely tempted to leave "research on gins" uncorrected.

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There's always room to add it!

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Who needs a gun when you have a large intemperate dog with really pointy teeth?

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The Vox overview of Massachusetts's gun laws is very, very good!


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Yup -- and if the gun is connected to a crime and the original purchaser can be found, THAT'S when they say the gun was lost or stolen.

(there's only so much I could fit into the piece!)

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Will the orphan guns be taken out to the shooting range for fresh air and physical activity, or just be locked away and neglected in a cabinet where they grow rusty and flabby

Are the guns brown and Mexican-speaking, or white and Protestant? Because that makes a huge difference!

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The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a large intemperate dog with really pointy teeth is...

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Nah, those're for the déclassé. Embroidered pumps are just right.

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Hell, most states seem to have more regulations about catching fish than buying guns.

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Pointy sticks make hunting way more of challenge.

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