That's some sharp eyesight, but unless Booker is 6' 9", probably not.

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This is what happens when the most recent update to your law books is 2,000 years old.

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They must have worked frantically for hours on that Jets game.

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Elisha also had a <a href="https:\/\/bible.org\/seriespage\/elisha-and-two-bears-2-kings-223-25" target="_blank">pretty effective technique</a>.

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It's what fundies are afraid of: somebody, somewhere, might be enjoying themselves.

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What blasphemy was committed in Australia?

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He's doing this ... "a fair amount of very caloric alcohol and cake was consumed".

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<i>This being Cory Booker and not Barack Obama, we were spared angry Breitbart headlines about how Booker made the ceremony all about himself.</i>

Only because Breitbart can't tell them apart.

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Snark off: I don't know how people can look at those two newlyweds beaming at each other and say that they shouldn't be allowed to marry.

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<i>a protester screamed “This is unlawful in the eyes of God and Jesus Christ.”</i>

Then stopped to clutch pearls. Probably retired to the fainting couch to watch a little Lifetime TV.

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Open bar?

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"...the type of Republican who just wants to abuse his position to give away hard-earned government money to rich people."

There is some other kind of Republican?

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