Shorter episode summary: Fuck you deniers.

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97 percent?

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When I'm sick I take my temperature over and over. After a while, it goes back to normal. My theory is the thermometer is sucking the sickness out of my body. Some people say that's crazy. But it works every time. Every. Time.

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It was cool and rainy today in my city, therefore Global Warming doesn't exist. Also, Al Gore flies in a private plane.

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If you've forgotten the difference between CO and CO2 in your gin, you're doing it right.

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Climate change deniers say thermodynamics disproves it because the atmosphere can't get warmer by adding carbon or something. So, yeah, many classes are needed.

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Thas racist.

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Carl scared the crap out of people with his nuclear winter warnings, and some people took it upon themselves to demand that the chicken hawks stop trying to blow us all to kingdom come. Hopefully NDGT will have the same effect. Nuclear disarmament looked pretty hopeless too during the reign of St. Ronnie of the Raygun.

But then again, I found myself tearing up over Kennedy's ' we do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard' speech.

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I got a different sad over that. It's that the science behind greenhouse gases was understood over 100 years ago. And <i>they</i> still deny it.

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I note that a Cosmos DVD will shortly come out, including extra scenes (presumably the bits that were cut out to enable FOX to cram in extra ads).

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