Ironically, the "Related Video" is "Oliver North hosts book signing at Winchester Costco."

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no, you're thinking of John Phillips Sauza, the house tequila at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival

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Yes. Yes it could.

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A nit, but that would be 900 copies per week / 463 stores = just under two copies per store per week.

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.. or elections.

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Let's wait while D'Souza ages in a cellar for 20-30 months, and then compare.

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Don't forget the Wheat Thin the size of Lake Tahoe. Why do people always forget that?

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It's <em>Costco</em>. I mean, it's a great store but it isn't where I would go to buy a book, just like I wouldn't go to Best Buy to purchase copy paper. There are slightly more specialized places that cater to those needs.

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Not their style. After Brazil's 1 consolation goal in the final minute, the German defense were yelling at each other for messing up.

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you can only do that cute kitten calendar so many times...

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yeah, that tankard of peanut butter only goes so far

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Please boycott, by all means. Start with the Jacksonville store. We are almost out of toilet paper and Macallan 12 and anything that clears the parking lot of behemoth SUVs would be welcome.

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and that stupid overgrown tuba thingy

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they're trying to curry favor

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As sportsball announcer-types are fond of saying, it's only half time, ANYTHING could happen (but no, Brazil making up a 5 goal deficit isn't actually gonna happen)

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So let me get this straight... a corporation should have the power and authority to dictate what types of medicine their lady employees are allowed to use, but they shouldn't have the ability to determine their own inventory?

Do I have that about right?

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