Stanford gives rise to a surprising number of wingnuts. The Hoover Institute is like this festering herpes sore that they just can't get rid of, and it's a magnet for right-wingers with an inexplicable talent for taking standardized tests.

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Or the Hardy Boys, or Nancy Drew ... it really won't take much.

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How are they equally matched, when Gretched just admitted defeat?

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That's 'cause she didn't find DC comics "hard to follow". Was she a Democrat, or an old-school Republican?

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Because she's a stupid, vapid cunt that has very little mental capacity.

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Please, please tell me that isn't true! Jesus fucking christ on a stick, is there just a nonstop incest-fest going on at Faux?

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What a perfect little slip there - "disputed fact." There is no such thing as a 'disputed fact' Mr Doocy and Ms Carlson. Yet, this is what the teatards are all about - disputing facts (climate change, evolution, the earth is not flat, the heliocentric system, etc)

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I used to put on a towel "cape" and fly around like Superman. If my mom wondered why, she never showed it.

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We know exactly where it's coming from: pulled directly from Roger Ailes' ass.

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Totally unsupported by any evidence whatsoever (a.k.a. a basic teatard tenet.)

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Oh man, that's a low blow ... show 'em a litte mercy, will ya?

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I'm proud to say that in the Northeast, even our teatard politicians are endowed with a moderate dose of brains. With the exception, of course, of that dick from Staten Island (the Mississippi of New York City.)

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