doesn't matter. If the GOP has to spend one penny or put any people in a state they once considered solidly red, the DNC wins. they are losing the fundraising game and the advantage of piling all their Koch whore diamonds in Australia and taking over the Risk board.

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It WAS annoying. This was a group of seasoned activists who have been through history that he was only vaguely familiar with from books.Thanks for the information. So that's the way it works--very top-down, instead of grass-roots.

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hurrah hurrah, join the jubilee!

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Bottom left. Chasin' down your sister/cousin is easy. 'Specially if they ain't got no shoes.

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I have noticed a lot of signs for someone named "signs" this year. No idea what they are running for. All there is is his name and a phone number.

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Oh. Em. Gee. Yes, yard signs came up at our meeting, after we finally started interrupting the organizer with questions, and he said the SAME THING. Yard signs are worthless. Thx again. You've made me feel much better about a somewhat distressing evening.

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I signed up to register voters last time. The Dallas government office was very cool and did not make me take a 3 hour seminar...just let me read the literature (skim it) and then gave me my card. I suggest that

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Register potential voters. Get your card at the appropriate gov office where you live. It is one thing...and sign up for a phone bank.

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From your mouth to God's ear!!!!!

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I'd like to see Honey Boo Boo go. That's it. Just. Go.

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That looks like the marinade recipe for Hungarian Marinated Chicken:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Mega Nairobi Trio upfists for Kovacs.

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Methinks we talk about gigglybits and spell out the 'fuck' word too much for her to come here openly. I like to think she lurks around a bit though.

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That is so evil, and I have a goofy smile on my face.

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Thomas Dewey?

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I have long had a (mild) fantasy that an election couldn't be certified unless X% of the eligible/registered voters actually voted. Perhaps starting with 60 and moving up over time.I don't know if it would actually work, but it's my child and I am somewhat fond of it.

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