I got married to a guy who is, actually, blindingly handsome and tall and built like a runner - which he was in college. Dude is so good looking that back in the day, every time I went to the loo or to play the jukebox in a pub, when I came back there would be at LEAST one nubile goddess trying it on with him, if not a clutch or gaggle of them.

That is to say - unless I am very wrong about Mike Pence - I am NOT married to a lumpen clump of human toothpaste with the sex appeal of a wet napkin.

And yet, he can have lunch or dinner with whoever the fuck he wants, male, female, non-binary, straight, gay, whatevs the fuck because he is a grown up human being who can keep his hands to himself and knows better to than to uncontrollably rub himself all over other people with whom he happens to be sitting down to a meal. FFS.

I assume this “I married an adult and no matter how attractive they are - and no matter how attractive their dining partner - I trust they will be able to keep it the HELL in their pants” applies to most people, no?

TL; dr Mike and Mother Pence are CIRCUS FREAKS.

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He, like most evangelicals, gives me the creeps. But then again, LGBTQ people don't.

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Do they not have cages for the crotch? Could Mother not somehow cage up Mike’s genitalia for safety?

Anyway I didn’t think Lego mini figs had genitalia.

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That would be a scandal-- if it turned out he was really tempted by liberal thinking! Suppose he was walking home from that luncheon with the Democrat, a bit agitated over what he'd heard, and just as he was stepping over railroad tracks he thought, 'maybe economic stimulus and not strict austerity could help us with some of the problems we have helping poor people get through this recession.'

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The woman will just have to eat by herself like she’s Katie Sackoff with the Mandolarians, except instead of the taboo being not removing their helmets, it’s because she might give Pence a boner.

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There's a greater chance that a President Pence would have a meal alone with a Democrat before a single woman.

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Mike Pence, pictured with his former 'chief of staff' Nick Ayers. These two make me and my boyfriend look like 'just friends' in our photos.


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I wouldn't leave *ANYONE* alone with Pence.

something is fundamentally creepy and off about this weirdo and this whole no girls allowed thing is just the tip of the Penceberg

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At the very least they'd have to have compartments at opposite ends of AF1 with Mother sitting between them just to keep an eye on things.

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The Prez and VP can't fly on the same plane for security reasons. Thank God for the Secret Service, keeping everything pure for us.

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It does matter. It matters because a man who claims to not be allowed to have a meal or a one on one conversation with a woman he’s not married to is also not “allowed” to hire women with whom he might be expected to have one on one conversations or the occasional meal. It means he won’t work with women. It means he never hears opinions from women to whom he is not married. It’s one of the most sexist and misogynist things you can do. Fuck that guy.

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The good news is, it will never be an issue that will come up with “President Pence.”


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If his lunchmate is trans he's definitely fucked.

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Won’t be an issue because President Pence 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣* won’t be allowing any LGBTQ within five hundred yards of the White House.

*Sorry, the idea of this poorly programmed android ever being made president is so ridiculous that I can’t say it without laughing.

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White House Accountabilibuddy sounds like a great job. Where does one apply? 🙄

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86 is too close to 69 to comfortably be in a sentence with Mike and Mother

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I always thought his mommy thought all women wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off her property. He could wear a burka, that might help.

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That’s not how Fundagelicals think. You see, it’s the men who can’t control themselves. Women are the evil temptresses who have dress modestly so they don’t lead the men astray.

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I don't think the motivation for his "don't be alone with a woman" weirdness is that he's unbelievably horny. It's that women are presumptively lying bitches who will make up stories about innocent men because they're just that evil.

I wonder how Pence or anyone who thinks like him would feel about a woman who refused to be alone with any man, under any circumstances, because then he might rape her. Would they understand? Or would they feel insulted, like they were being judged beforehand? You know, pre-judged? If only there were a noun, with "pre" and "judge" in it, that could describe that situation....

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"Because it’s weird and implies that Pence has so little self control as a human being that he can’t share a meal with a woman colleague — any woman colleague! — without at the very least being desperately distracted by his desire to fuck her"

That's what's so fucking funny about this 'thing'...He THINKS it makes him look super-moral, but it makes him look like someone with a history of lechery and inappropriate touchings...Which would AT LEAST make him more interesting...

It makes him look like he's staying away from women for the same reason a recovering alcoholic stays away from alcohol or someone with a gambling problem stays away from Vegas...

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I have a sister-in-law who works for Fox (she hates it and can’t wait to retire). Back before Bill O’Reilly was axed, we were talking about him one day. He was barred from hiring any female assistants precisely because he couldn’t be trusted not to harass any of them and cost the company another multimillion dollar settlement.

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