Golden Girls, "Thank You For Being A Friend" (although the original version was a Top 40 hit in 1975 or 76-ish).

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I'm glad that you were able to get out of that relationship.

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"EVERYONE in this White House seems to be playing the media, trying to boost their own agenda and insisting everyone else in the White House is Hitler."

Actually the Hitler reference is totally apposite, because that's what really happened under Hitler - and happens under all authoritarian regimes. The various toadies of Great Leader spend all their time knifing one another in the back, and Great Leader's job is pretty much to be "referee" of this endless squabble. That's why the Luftwaffe had tank divisions, because Göring hated the Army.

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Liquor boxes? I don't even know her.

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It's the homage to nepotism that they like.

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Make it so FSM.

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Voting is war. Time to serve your country.

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I will never forget walking out the door when the ex had finally passed out. There were cops surrounding the house with guns drawn. They nodded that I was covered to get to my car in case he ran out after me. Very scary situation, but here I am some 30 years later!

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Wow! You are very brave.

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call Maury asap.

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Really? I mean, Tom Cotton went to Harvard Law.

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True. And what's possibly worse, the various toadies of Great Leader, when not knifing each other in the back, spend much of their time telling Great Leader what he wants to hear, which never has anything to do with the real world. "My Leader, our factories are producing vast numbers of advanced jet fighters even as we speak and will soon blast the RAAF out of the skies over London itself, and that whole Battle of Britain thing is as false as the stories about Dunkirk (ha, what idiot fantasy, who'd ever believe that except the British?) and we will be utterly victorious tomorrow."Now get the idiot a new pair of plastic scissors, not too sharp, to cut out more paper dolls.Lord above, even Trey Gowdy seems to be getting the idea at last that this can't go on forever, it just seems that way.

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It helped that I was 30 years younger and stupider then! But, thanks!

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The best part of that whole clip is that Donnie had no fucking clue what the entire world could see when he turned around and waved.

But he did find out later.

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Maybe we could say the sample was for ancestry.com?

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