"Why would Florida do something like that? California does it, and look what happens!!"--GOPtards everywhere

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Dear god, I'd have DIED OF CRINGE if any of those types ever noticed me! This camping trip was all geeks and nerds like me!

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Something like that, yes, depending on how the state normally votes.

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But I've found that the geeks and nerds turned out to be more interesting than the "cool" kids, so there's that...

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Article 1 section 4 of the Constitution?

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators."

In theory, Congress could fix things up - even draw up non-gerrymandered districts - but it would unleash so much shameless fuckery that neither party wants to take a single step down that road. We'd need Dem supermajorities just to ditch the damned voter ID laws.

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Fun fact: The town was originally named "Jackass Junction". Don't ever change, Florida. Not too much, anyhow.

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This is true. My first boyfriend was the DM in our D&D group* and ended up being an IT nerd, which was my basic boyfriend template for years.

*i also beat him at chess after an epic overnight game!

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You could legislate a no-later-than date for receiving mailed ballots, on top of the postmarked-by-election day rule. If you chose to use the USPS, you'd bear the risk that your vote for Hubert Humphrey might not arrive until the 21st century.

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I assume that's so he's eliigible for parole at age 130.

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I think it has a hell of a lot more to do with the un-named "others" who got off scot(t) free. There are senators, presidents, governors, and other folks at that level of the food chain who palled around with Epstein, and I'd bet the ranch that at least one of them put the screws to Acosta.

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For those of you who are on SS or SSDI, a shutdown will not likely affect your checks because the SS Trust is independent from the government:


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uh, when did FLA manage to get the pants in their head? last time I checked they were trying to figure out the zipper and giggling like school girls

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Personally I'd flip the voter ID laws and require the state to provide voter ID to every eligible voter for free. Oh and maybe sneak in a compulsory vote while we're at it, since the state is already providing everybody IDs.

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TJ Cox became the 40th Democrat to win a House seat (CA 21). Immediately after all the votes were counted, repubs starting using the term "ballot harvesting", implying that absentee ballots were tampered with. Expect to hear this sort of bullshit following future Democratic wins. The GOP has a problem with people voting and they are working hard to change that.

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All the way back to 2000.

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Does Oregon allow some ballots to be received and counted after election day but not others? I think that is part of the problem people have with Florida.

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