Your Wonket is a big fan of miscegenation and a Tan Planet.
Hey, SPOILER ALERT! Come on!
Same crew that cantilevers Dolly Parton's chest.
They're meeting in a rump session, as usual.
My favorite is &quot;The Door&quot;. And the sound effect for the door shutting sounds <i>exactly</i> like a trailer house door--a great touch.
I&#039;ll remember his music and the time he got arrested for DUI while driving a lawnmower to a bar.
Hey, SPOILER ALERT! Come on!
Same crew that cantilevers Dolly Parton&#039;s chest.
They&#039;re meeting in a rump session, as usual.
My favorite is &quot;The Door&quot;. And the sound effect for the door shutting sounds <i>exactly</i> like a trailer house door--a great touch.
I&#039;ll remember his music and the time he got arrested for DUI while driving a lawnmower to a bar.