Man, there is some big wonky shizz out of Kansas today, with their Supreme Court declaring that the way the state funds schools is unconstitutional because it is too disparate between districts.
Deep in the seventh circle of Hell, Orville Faubus paused for a moment in his eternal task of shoveling foaming pigshit into Big Mac boxes with a spork and smiled a small, secret smile.
The funding of Ohio schools through property taxes was found unconstitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court 20 years ago, and they have yet to come up with an alternative way to fund schools.
I really, really, really look forward to the arrests of some legislative shitmuffins for contempt of court. Because you KNOW they're gonna push it that far. It's just what shitmuffins DO.
If only Bain Capital hadn't taken over the last bootstrap manufacturer in the USA, looted the pension funds, borrowed every last dollar possible, stiffed the suppliers, pocketed all of it as their "fee", and walked away from the rubble. Now all we have are these shitty made-in-China bootstraps that leach lead and mercury onto your boots, and have a label that says pregnant women should not lift themselves up with them.
See, you people are all so prejudice against the Sunflower State! "Poorer school districts" = "school districts w/blah students or other undesirable urban types." So it's really perfeckly fiar. It's not like any legislators' kids go to public schools.
I'll never forget when this issue came up in Colorado many years ago, and the Lege said, "Well, these poor [that is to say, Messican] districts have just learned to do more with less." And I used to go around saying, "Well then, maybe we shouldn't spend anything at all on schools," never imagining that anyone would think I wasn't joking.
First - How does Brownback say that the courts are closing schools, when in fact his party is the one denying funding.
Second- Across the border in Missouri there is also a problem with school funding. Since the state has is running a small surplus at the moment, the Repubs are talking about tax cuts, rather than trying to fix the schools.
I can already hear the one-upmanship conversations in 2024:
"My school was so poor we didn't have heat in the winter." "You had it lucky, we were so poor you weren't allowed to eat lunch unless it was in a brown paper bag." "I grew up in Kansas." "You win."
You're up, Texas Supreme Court. Time to declare the death penalty unconstitutional. The revolution is here (ok, seriously did NOT expect it to start in Kansas but WTF, we'll go with it).
Deep in the seventh circle of Hell, Orville Faubus paused for a moment in his eternal task of shoveling foaming pigshit into Big Mac boxes with a spork and smiled a small, secret smile.
The funding of Ohio schools through property taxes was found unconstitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court 20 years ago, and they have yet to come up with an alternative way to fund schools.
Until they are, you know, nationalized.
I really, really, really look forward to the arrests of some legislative shitmuffins for contempt of court. Because you KNOW they're gonna push it that far. It's just what shitmuffins DO.
If only Bain Capital hadn't taken over the last bootstrap manufacturer in the USA, looted the pension funds, borrowed every last dollar possible, stiffed the suppliers, pocketed all of it as their "fee", and walked away from the rubble. Now all we have are these shitty made-in-China bootstraps that leach lead and mercury onto your boots, and have a label that says pregnant women should not lift themselves up with them.
Modern times, right?
Explaining it would take a long time. Seriously, you could write a book.
That's where their campaign money comes from. Bit of a pickle they're in, innit?
They have the lowest cost-of-grifting in the country, after Florida.
See, you people are all so prejudice against the Sunflower State! "Poorer school districts" = "school districts w/blah students or other undesirable urban types." So it's really perfeckly fiar. It's not like any legislators' kids go to public schools.
I'll never forget when this issue came up in Colorado many years ago, and the Lege said, "Well, these poor [that is to say, Messican] districts have just learned to do more with less." And I used to go around saying, "Well then, maybe we shouldn't spend anything at all on schools," never imagining that anyone would think I wasn't joking.
First - How does Brownback say that the courts are closing schools, when in fact his party is the one denying funding.
Second- Across the border in Missouri there is also a problem with school funding. Since the state has is running a small surplus at the moment, the Repubs are talking about tax cuts, rather than trying to fix the schools.
Do the Dems know that they could pick up, oh say, 30 points or so in approval polls by simply acting like non-sociopathic human beings?
Do they?
I can already hear the one-upmanship conversations in 2024:
"My school was so poor we didn't have heat in the winter." "You had it lucky, we were so poor you weren't allowed to eat lunch unless it was in a brown paper bag." "I grew up in Kansas." "You win."
“School districts must have reasonably equal access to substantially similar educational opportunity through similar tax effort”
So they could just cut funding to the rich districts, right? Seems like the fiscally responsible solution.
Only because Little House on The Prairie tourists keep coming and asking where the quaint one-room schoolhouses are.
In Kansas isn't wealth measured in cows?
You're up, Texas Supreme Court. Time to declare the death penalty unconstitutional. The revolution is here (ok, seriously did NOT expect it to start in Kansas but WTF, we'll go with it).