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I'm hoping that the election in November affirms the old saying: a rising tide swamps all Repube boats. God, it can't happen to a nicer bunch of authoritarian anti-democratic asshats.

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That is a problem with a court remedy for authoritarian BS. Hopefully a more "permanent" solution will be found using votes in November.

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Scott Walker looks like the love child of Spaulding Smails from "Caddyshack" & Ted Cruz. He makes me want to take a shower. Please, voters of Wisconsin, do whatever you have to to get rid of this sack of shit.

Thanks, the other 49 states

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Badgers bite when messed with, I'm sure.

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Yeah. The President can order military actions without going to the legislature. I'd look into that if I were you. Lowers voice 'We're kinda certain that the latest guy is a bit unstable' - winks.

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How low can Wisconsin legislators sink when they are trying to emulate Alabama lawmakers by outlawing special elections?

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Now, let's be fair. They are not proposing to outlaw all special elections, just the ones when Democrats are more likely to win.

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Good point. And it seems likely that the next conflict, as it were, will not be declared either.

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I just read where the WI state lege is going to get around the court decision by rewriting the statute at issue. If you can't beat 'em cheat 'em!

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Badgers are an animal you want to stay away from. Because even the American ones don't give a shit.

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Dear Dane County: Robin Vos clearly does NOT want to be there, why you makin' him go?

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Here in Kansastan that's RW Step 1.Step 2 is cut state funding and increase tuition.Step 3 .....Step 4 (of course) Tax cuts for the rich!

Folks is starting to catch on, though.

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Fish is moose?

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the democrats of Wisconsin need to get their f*cking act together.

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Diplomatic corps. If you deal with other cultures, it helps to know how they think and what they value.

Classical China required poetry, because a sensitive command of language was essential in the Warring States Period. You had to know how to say "no" with the proper "hidden text" wrapped inside.

It beats shooting at people after you've shouted at them.


ETA: I've had several bosses who used to save reading my reports for the moment when they couldn't stand ungrammatical, misspelled, or unintelligible reports any longer.

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