I'd be just as happy if Twitter just took their ball and went home. If it ever did serve a useful purpose, it doesn't anymore.

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One of the many hats I wore was confirming letters to the editor, making sure the purported author was legit. I also had to inform the occasional writer that opinion about facts was welcome, but it had to be opinion about facts, not whatever they were talking about so, sorry, no publication.

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And someone might want to point out to the orange shitgibbon that, if Twitter, Faceplant or Google wanted to directly go after him and endorse Biden and spent money supporting Biden, THEY COULD THANKS TO "CITIZENS UNITED." So there, motherfucking rethuglicans.

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When I was in boot camp in 68, they started to change things up a little - instead of outright slapping a guy around, they would have the platoon gather around and slap the shit out of them behind a circle of bodies. Heck, I bet they are no longer allowed to shout c**t or p***y at the recruits any more.

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Please please please send them this as an actual letter then report back here with their response..

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They only have a couple of good writers left. The rest are toadying up to the corporate masters like a pretentious David Brooks.

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Yes, they aren't allowed to slap and punch you anymore.

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four dots just means it took him longer to think of the 2nd half.

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Well, when you get right down to it, fuck Bill Maher.

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Why is this so funny??

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Ta, Liz.

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Yes. It was a Bush appointee in PA who ruled against so-called "Creation Science," forbidding its inclusion in textbooks as a counter to evolution.

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Yup. Good catch on that one.

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Don't you mess with the Little Red Book. The Chairman had some great thoughts. "Let a hundred flowers bloom together. Let a hundred schools of though contend." He didn't really mean it. He went more with "Power issues from the barrel of a gun." But it was a good thought. I used to have a Little Red Book. I think some commie stole it.

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That apt description leaves out the NYT.

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Twitter growing a set of balls?

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